Page 57 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                      DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR FARM FORESTRY
                                                     Olga Grigoreva

                Department of Forestry, Federal State Budget Education Institution of Higher Education "Saint-
                 Petersburg state forest technical University named after S.M. Kirov", Saint-Petersburg, Russian
                                          Federation; E-mail.:
                  The article deals with agroforestry systems that offer new ways to meet the needs of
             wood, food, and renewable energy sources. In particular, the inclusion of several vertical levels
             of crop production in the same space, the cultivation of wood crops with a high content of
             cellulose for biomass.
                  To familiarize Russian specialists in the field of forestry, an overview of general methods
             of agroforestry has been made. In the modern view, forest management, in most cases, is a
             special type of land use, in which one type of phytoproduct – wood is grown for a long duration
             of time (the turnover of logging). The key difference between forest plantations and traditional
             agricultural crops is the duration of crop cultivation, its size, as well as the fact that a wide range
             of useful products can be obtained in forest plantations during the turnover of logging, the
             processes of "production" of which go in parallel and do not interfere with each other. This
             specific  of  the  forest  has  been  known  to  mankind  for  a  long  time,  for  example,  the  spring
             collection of tree juices, the collection of mushrooms and berries during summer and autumn
             seasons, etc. In recent years, such a type of forest business as the collection and processing of
             forest food products, mushrooms, and berries has been dynamically developing in Russia. But
             all this regards naturally grown phytoproducts. In large agricultural areas, one field is occupied
             only with wheat, and the other with corn and only apples are grown in the garden, for example.
             But  small  landowners  can  observe  how  vegetables  are  grown  under  apple  trees,  and  late
             agricultural crops are planted in the middle of seedbeds with early products. In that case, the
             land is used more rationally, but the mechanization of the process of cultivation of agricultural
             products  is  very  difficult  and  requires  a  large  amount  of  manual  labor.  Such  a  method  of
             management, in which each plot of land is used most rationally, will not be used in the practice
             of huge timber enterprises in the foreseeable future. But, for example, when planning farming
             on the «Far Eastern hectare», the practice of agroforestry can be very useful.
                  Combining tree cultivation with agricultural activities can create additional sources of
             income, distribute agricultural labor throughout the year and increase agricultural productivity
             –  along  with  soil  and  water  protection.  Such  systems  of  "agroforestry"  include  alleying
             (cultivation of crops along alleys), forest pastures, windbreaks, forestry of non-wood products,
             and coastal buffer strips. Agroforestry is a complex forest-agricultural system that combines
             agricultural  crops  or  livestock,  or  both  with  tree  and  shrub  vegetation.  A  well-designed
             agroforestry  system  provides  many  advantages,  including  diversified  sources  of  income,
             increased biological production, improved water, and soil quality, and habitat.
                  As  a  result,  it  can  be  noted  that  the  most  promising  systems  of  agroforestry  are:  the
             inclusion of several vertical levels of production, agricultural crops in the same space; as well
             as the cultivation of perennial crops.

            Keywords: agroforestry, forest farming, forest plantations.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |56
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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