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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                  Victoria Gniezdilova

                            Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine;

                  Ornamental  plantations  play  a  very  important  role  in  urban  construction  and
            improvement of settlements. They are one of the most effective ways to improve the living
            conditions of residents. In 1971 the arboretum with an area of 2 ha was established in Ivano-
            Frankivsk.  Planting  planning  was  done  in  such  a  way  as,  on  the  one  hand,  to  decorate  the
            building of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mountain Forestry, and on the other hand – to
            place  next  to  it  a  collection  of  the  most  important  forest-forming  species.  Therefore,  the
            arboretum was divided into two parts: front, decorative, and rear, collectible, with a scientific
            purpose. But in 1988 the arboretum changed its owner. Without proper care, many species and
            forms of valuable introduced species died and fell out of the flora of the arboretum.
                  The  purpose  of  our  study  was  to  conduct  an  inventory  of  plantations,  systematic,
            biomorphological  and  dendrofloristic  analysis.  For  this  purpose,  the  generally  accepted
            methods of floristic research were used. During the study of dendroflora, a list of species was
            compiled,  which  were  determined  by  "Dendrology".  Systematic  taxa  were  accepted  by
            Takhtadzhyan (1968). As a result of the research, 73 species, 1 hybrid, 5 ornamental forms of
            woody plants were identified. These species and hybrid belong to 43 genera, grouped into 24
            families. Analysis of life forms showed that of the total number of species and hybrids, trees
            account  for  69.1  %,  shrubs  –  29.6  %,  lianas  –  1.3  %.  Among  the  representatives  of  the
            arboretum, the share of deciduous tree species predominates – 76.9 %, and evergreen plants
            make up 23.1 %. Systematic analysis of introduced tree species revealed 6 leading families. The
            largest number of species has Rosaceae family, which includes 10 genera and 16 species. In
            second place – the family Pinaceae – 6 genera and 11 species. The composition of 4 families
            includes  four  species.  Five  families  include  3  species  (Betulaceae,  Aceraceae,  Magnoliaceae,
            Tiliaceae, Caprifoliaceae). Such families, as Platanaceae, Oleaceae, Bignoniaceae, have 2 species.
            According to the floristic division of the world, representatives of the introduced dendroflora
            of the arboretum naturally grow in the Holarctic kingdom. A total of 73 species originate from
            7 floristic areas. These species can be divided into 3 groups.  The first group consists of 54
            species, whose habitats are within certain floristic areas. Of these, the largest number comes
            from  the  North  American  Atlantic  Region  –  41.1  %.  24.6  %  of  the  total  number  of  species
            originate from the Eastern Asiatic Region (Larix leptolepis Gord.; Acer ginnala Maxim.; Ginkgo
            biloba  L.  and  other).  Some  species  (6.8  %)  (Sorbus  intermedia  (Ehrh.)  Pers.;  Picea  omorica
            (Panc.) Purkyne and other) come from the Circumboreal region. The second group consists of
            15 species, whose habitats are within the two floristic areas (Circumboreal and Eastern Asiatic,
            Circumboreal and Iran-Turan, Circumboreal and North American Atlantic Regions). The third
            group consists of 4 species, whose natural habitats are within the three floristic areas. Taxus
            baccata L. and Ginkgo biloba L. are the relict species in the arboretum.
                  Students and teachers of the Medical College have established a garden of medicinal plants
            on  the  territory  of  the  arboretum,  where  valuable  species  of  herbs  are  grown.  Today,  the
            Arboretum of Ivano-Frankivsk Medical College is a valuable dendrological object. Students have
            the opportunity to get acquainted with introduced species, which have proven their suitability
            for  widespread  use  in landscaping  and  forestry.  Further  work  will  be  carried  out  with  the
            involvement of students in the arrangement of arboretum plantations, as well as to study the
            ecological properties of the main introduced species.
            Keywords: Arboretum, species, floristic areas, life forms.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |54
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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