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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                     Inna Goncharovska, Volodymyr Kuznetsov
                 M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
                                            Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Since  the  end  of  the  XVIII  century  in  Canada  on  Ottawa  in  America  at  South  Dakota
             research stations from crossing a cherry-like Siberian apple tree imported from Russia with
             cultivated cultivars, as well as by repeated crossing of a large number of Canadian and American
             apple trees – Crabapples. The apple tree got its name from English gardeners, who divided the
             apples into good-tasting and bitter or "Crabapples". However, the main distinguishing feature
             of crabapples from ordinary apple trees is the size of the fruit. Crabapples fruit is less than or
             equal to 5.1 cm (2 inches) in diameter. Apples are fruits with a diameter of more than 5.1 cm (2
                  This  study  aimed  to  identify  the  best  phenotypes  from  our  apple  tree  collections,  in
             particular crabapples, which could be successfully grown and used in industrial gardens as
             plants that produce large amounts of pollen, and the introductory collection will contribute to
             successful  breeding  with  these  fruit  crops  in  the  future  in  programs  for  improved  fruit
             biochemical composition. The objects of the study were 8-year-old apple plants (Crabapples),
             grafted on the rootstock 54–118, the number of 15 phenotypes of Malus spp. collection of the
             M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
             Ukraine (NBS), on their morphological characteristics and the content of anthocyanins in fruits.
                  The fruits were harvested at full maturity (October). Cultivar samples differ in weight,
             shape,  size,  color  of  fruits  and  seeds.  Pomological  characteristics  were  performed  in  four
             replicates on 30 fruits of each genotype. Only one plant (tree) was used in the study for each
             sample cultivar. The following parameters were measured: fruit weight (FW) in g, fruit length
             (FL) in mm, fruit width (FW) in mm and seed weight (SW) in g, seed length (SL) in g, seed width
             (SW) mm, seed thickness (SW), mm, number of seeds in 1 fruit (NS). The data we work with has
             been  tested  in  a  normal  distribution.  The  amount  of  anthocyanins  was  determined
             spectrophotometrically  at  a  wavelength  of  530  nm,  using  alcohol  extraction  from  the
             homogenate of vegetable raw materials, acidified with 3.5 % hydrochloric acid.
                  Morphometric  parameters  were  as  follows:  Crabapples  fruit  weight  from  1.49  g  (cv.
             Adirondack) to 20.56 g (cv. Era), length from 12.87 mm (cv. Van Ezeltin) to 25.11 mm (cv. Ola),
             diameter from 12.0 mm (cv. Butterbаll) up to 26.74 mm (cv. Rayka Pink), number of seeds in 1
             fruit from 1.0 (cv. Era) to 5.5 (cv. Everest), fruit diameter from 11.88 (cv. Royalty) to 42.56 (cv.
             Era) mm. Fruit shape index ranges from 0.8 (cv. Ola) to 1.1 (cv. King Beauty).
                  According to the results of anthocyanin content, it was found that the highest content of
             the cultivar Royalty – 311.64 mg/100 g, and the lowest in the cultivar White Jade – 31.8 mg/100
             g of dry matter.
                  The  introductory  collection  of  apple  trees,  collected  in  the  M.M.  Gryshko  National
             Botanical  Garden of the  National Academy of Sciences  of Ukraine, Kyiv,  Ukraine (NBS) has
             sufficient potential for successful selection work. Increased susceptibility may be the result of
             genetic variability within a cultivar or species.
            Keywords: Malus, fruit, morphometric parameters, anthocyanins.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |55
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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