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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                  Svetlana Garipova , Oksana Markova , Natalya Ivanchina , Ramil Khairullin
                  1 Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russian Federation; E-mail.:
                 2 Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture, Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the
                                    Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russian Federation
             3 Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics – Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian
                                        Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russian Federation
                  Any plant can be considered as a macro-symbiont that organizes mutualistic connections
             with beneficial microorganisms, complementing the adaptive potential of a macro-organism
             due to its ability to synthesize a variety of physiologically active substances. Root nodules of
             legume  plants  are  the  nutrient-rich  niche  that  can  contain  both  rhizobia  and  endophytic
             bacteria (EB). Analysis of their metabolic activity indicates that their existence inside a plant
             organism can be beneficial to the host. The purpose of this work was a screening of EB from
             nodules  of  Phaseolus  vulgaris  with  plant  growth-promoting  traits  influencing  the  seed
                  Bacteria were isolated from superficially sterilized nodules on bean-glucose agar, pure
             cultures of strains were obtained, their morphological, cultural, tinctorial properties and 16S
             rRNA  gene  sequence  were  studied.  Sterilized  plant  seeds  were  inoculated  with  bacterial
             suspension at a density of 10  cells/seed and were germinated on wet filters in the dark at 20-
             22 °C. Morphometric parameters of sprouts were assessed on 3  and 7  days. The production
             of cytokinins (CK) by EB was determined by the method of biotests for the preservation of
             chlorophyll in barley leaves calibrated by 6-benzylaminopurine equivalent. The conditions of
             the 3 field experiments in 2010 were extremely drought and in 2015 they were optimal. The
             bean plants were sown at a rate of 15 seeds/m with a row spacing of 45 cm. The accounting
             plots area for sowing was 3 m . The plots were placed randomly in 4 replicates. Statistical
             analysis was carried at p < 0.05.
                  In addition to Rhizobium leguminosarum, the isolated from the nodules of bean plants EB
             were spore-forming gram-positive rods. Based on a complex of morphological, cultural, and
             biochemical properties, the "satellites" of rhizobia were identified as Bacillus megaterium and
             B. subtilis. The taxonomic affiliation of the promising strain 522 (SG12) to the B. subtilis species
             was confirmed based on the analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence. Depending on strain-
             cultivar combination both intensification and inhibition of the growth of the axial organs of the
             seedling,  shoot/root  ratio,  and  seed  germination  energy  were  observed  compared  to  non-
             inoculated control. CK production was 600–800 ng/ml. This level was 1.5 times higher than the
             production of this hormone by the reference strain R. leguminosarum 1078. As a result of field
             trials of EB, a promising strain B. subtilis 522 (collection name of strain SG12) was selected. It
             contributed to a twofold increase in comparison with control of the biomass of the shoot and
             the number of beans of the Ufimskaya cultivar plants under conditions of an extremely dry
             2010 and increased the seed yield of Zolotistaya cultivar plants by 1.5 times compared to non-
             inoculated control in relatively in favorable 2015. An increase in the productivity of plants
             inoculated with this strain was accompanied by an increase in shoot mass, the setting of a larger
             number of beans, and the formation of a larger number of seeds, as well as a greater resistance
             of plants to  root rot  compared to  the control. This  strain can be  further recommended for
             production and wider testing.
            Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris, endophytes, PGP-bacteria, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |51
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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