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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                    Igor Grygorev

              Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Department of Technology and Equipment of the Forest,
                     Yakutsk; Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F.
                            Morozov, Voronezh, Russian Federation; E-mail.:
                  In  the  conditions  of  negative  climate  changes,  environmental  pollution,  growing
             overpopulation,  frequent  droughts  and  crop  failures,  shortages  of  food  and  clean  drinking
             water,  military-political  conflicts  and  climatic  anomalies,  migration  processes  gaining
             momentum  in  this  regard,  the  problem  of  rational  and  efficient  land  use  are  becoming
             increasingly urgent.
                  The Russian Federation, so far, does not face this problem as much as small European or
             overpopulated Asian countries. Moreover, the scale of Russia, so far, allows us to treat such
             wealth as fertile lands in many ways carelessly. Suffice it to say that in 2021, 60 million hectares
             of farmland in Russia are overgrown with forest growth, which is a rather serious problem. This
             is due to the fact, that in Russia the Federal Forestry Agency is part of the Ministry of Natural
             Resources,  and  in  many  foreign  countries,  similar  departments  are  part  of  the  Ministry  of
             Agriculture. That is, their forest lands are considered as a kind of agricultural land, allowing
             receiving a variety of products, depending on the developing situation.
                  Without  taking  into  account,  for  the  time  being,  the  global  ecological  significance  of
             forests, as well as their social significance, we note that the fundamental difference between
             plantations and traditional crops is the duration of crop cultivation, its size, as well as the fact
             that a wide range of useful products can be obtained in plantations for logging turnover, the
             processes of "production" of which go in parallel and do not interfere with each other. This
             property of the forest has been known to mankind for a long time, for example, the spring
             collection of tree juices, summer and autumn collection of mushrooms and berries, etc.
                  The purpose of creating artificial plantations, usually, is the cultivation of monoculture,
             for a period determined by the purpose of the final product – wood. Its further direction of use
             can be energy, technological chips, lumber, etc.
                  It should be noted that planting not only woody and shrubby plants can be used for the
             production of "green" energy. The optimal choice of rational use of land depends on the specific
             natural and industrial situation.
                  In  Russia,  in  our  opinion,  energy  plantations (plantations)  will not  be  relevant  in  the
             coming  years,  due  to  large  reserves  of  hydrocarbons,  falling  prices  for  them,  the  active
             development of the country's gasification program, the extinction of villages and small rural
             settlements, which is why the demand for wood falls annually. But, in our opinion, balance-
             sheet  plantations  have  very  good  prospects  in  Russia.  This  is  due  to  the  fact,  which  ripe
             affordable  operational  forests  have  been  cut  down  in  many  regions.  There  is  almost  no
             construction of forest roads, and the sawmill was destroyed in the last years of the USSR. This
             leads to a rapid increase in the shoulder of the export of harvested wood, an increase in its cost,
             and, ultimately, an increase in the cost of the final products of wood processing, which means a
             decrease in the competitiveness of the domestic forestry complex.
                  For the cultivation of balance wood, it is not necessary to wait for the age of ripeness to
             be reached by the plantation. Moreover, in the initial period, the growth of planting occurs
             exponentially, which means that it is possible to significantly reduce the turnover of logging,
             increase the efficiency of land use under cuttings that are currently overgrown with blackwood.
             Overgrowing of cuttings with weedy tree species is associated with a sharp drop in the volume
             of logging, which, in turn, is due to the fact, that the forest user cannot get two turns of logging
             during  the  lease  period.  And  when  creating  and  operating  forest  plantations,  this  is  quite

             Keywords: agroforestry, forest plantations, bioenergy.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |57
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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