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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                       Iryna Gumeniuk, Alla Levishko, Viktoria Tsvigun, Oleksandr Botsula,
                                       Olena Demyanyuk, Olena Sherstoboeva
                 Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian
                             Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Soybean  is  a  unique  plant,  it  can  be  called  a  natural  factory,  thanks  to  a  successful
             combination of two important processes: photosynthesis and biological nitrogen fixation. It
             helps to improve the nitrogen balance of the soil, is a good precursor for other crops, provides
             clean products. The phenomenon of soybeans is a high content of protein and fat in the seeds,
             a rare and diverse combination of enzymatic and vitamin composition.
                  Inoculation  of  soybean  seeds  by  nodule  bacteria  is  an  integral  part  of  its  cultivation
             technology. The use of bacterial fertilizers can improve the conditions of nitrogen nutrition of
             this crop, increase its yield, the protein content in the seeds and reduce the number of mineral
             nitrogen fertilizers. The result of legume-rhizobial symbiosis (LRS) is a sharp increase in plant
             production without the need to add mineral fertilizers. It should be noted, that the value of this
             symbiosis is also in ensuring the control of weeds, pathogens, and insects during harvesting in
             the agricultural system. In a symbiotic association with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, soybean
             plants can fix up to 200 kg/ha of molecular nitrogen, reducing the need for expensive and
             potentially harmful nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, the creation of highly efficient B. japonicum
             nitrogen-fixing systems – has great theoretical significance and practical value.
                  The study aimed to investigate and determine the components and their concentrations
             for the nutrient medium that would be most suitable for the cultivation of soybean bacteria
             Bradyrhizobium japonicum.
                  It  is  known  that  yeast-mannitol  agar  (YMA)  of  the  following  composition  is  used  for
             growing the rhizobia (g/l): mannitol – 10.0; yeast extract – 1.0; sucrose – 3.0; (NH4)2SO4 – 0.5;
             K2HPO4 – 0.35; KH2PO4 – 0.5; MgSO4 – 0.2; pH 7.2. Our task was to modify this medium to obtain
             a significant increase in the biomass of soybean rhizobia.
                  The growth activity of B. japonicum strains, which were given the name BR-1 and BR-2, in
             aYMA medium, which included sources of various nutrients, was studied. We set the following
             levels    of     medium       components:      molasses:      8.0;    16.0;     21.0     g/dm ;
             fodder  yeast:  2.5;  3.5;  5.0  g/dm ;  phosphates  (1:1)  (KH2PO4  +  K2HPO4):
             0.2; 0.3; 0.4 g/dm . Cultivation was performed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, under conditions
             of constant stirring using an orbital shaker 180 rpm, a temperature of 28 ±2 °C. The optimal
             environment was determined at different periods of bacterial growth using a ULAB 102UV
             Spectrophotometer at maximum absorption (600 nm) and built growth curves. It was found
             that  the  maximum  effect  of  molasses  for  the  growth  of  BR-2  strain  was  obtained  at  its
             concentration  of  21  g/dm ,  concerning  the  BR-1  isolate  –  at  a  concentration  of
             15 g/dm . The maximum effects on yeast extract exposure were observed using a component
             concentration of 3.5 g/dm  for both isolates. In the study of the effect of different content of
             phosphoric acid salts on the growth of B. japonicum, the greatest effect was obtained using the
             minimum concentration of this component – 0.2 g/dm .
                  Therefore, according to the growth rates of B. japonicum strains, it was found that the
             optimal ratio of components and concentrations are: molasses: 18.0 g/dm ; fodder yeast: 3.5
             g/dm ; phosphates (1:1) (KH2PO4 + K2HPO4): 0.2 g/dm . The optimized medium promotes the
             growth  of  biomass  of  isolated  strains  –  the  formation  of  a  significant  amount  of
             exopolysaccharides, which will further contribute to the formation of effective LRS.
            Keywords:  nodule  bacteria,  Bradyrhizobium  japonicum,  soybean,  legume-rhizobial  symbiosis,

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |59
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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