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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                    Murat Gins , Valentina Gins , Ekaterina Gins
             1 Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Growing, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail.:
                  2 Laboratory of Cell and Genomic Technologies, Russian Potato Research Center, Lyubertsy,
                                                    Russian Federation
                  Nowadays in the confectionery industry of Russia, large attention is paid to the production
             of goods enriched with functional ingredients and biologically active components. There are
             the collected data about the successful usage of 5…20 % of the flour from amaranth seeds at
             bakery wares, confectionery, and paste goods production as well as fermented dairy products.
                 The amaranth of Valentina cultivar is a plant with leaves of deep red color. They are rich in
            vitamins C, E, carotene, mineral substances (K, Ca, P, Mg, and Fe), they also contain a pigment of
            red-purple color – amaranthine that allows producing natural red-purple food colorant. The
            amaranth of Valentina cultivar is used at “Phytotea Amatantyl” production. The amaranth of
            Krepysh cultivar is a plant of green color with white seeds, the flour from its seeds that is
            characterized  with  higher  content  of  proteins  and  lipids  in  comparison  with  wheat  flour
            (proteins – till 19.0 %, lipids – till 8.5 %) is used in cookery, bakery and confectionery industry
            in combination with wheat flour. The processed product of amaranth seeds is amaranth flour.
                  The flour from amaranth seeds of Valentina cultivar is characterized with higher content
             of  protein  (18.82  %),  which  is  8.5  %  higher  than  in  the  wheat  flour  and  2.0  %  higher  in
             comparison with the flour from the amaranth seeds of Krepysh cultivar. On the whole, in the
             flour from amaranth seeds, the content of fats is almost 7 times higher than in the wheat flour,
             and the content of amylum and available carbohydrates is lower. The flour from the Krepysh
             cultivar is characterized by a high content of K (1500 mg%) that is 600 mg% higher than in
             Valentina cultivar and 1388 mg% higher than in the wheat flour. The flour from amaranth seeds
             of both cultivars is characterized by a significantly higher content of Fe, Ca, and Mg than the
             wheat flour, and their physical parameters are very similar. In comparison with the wheat flour,
             the flour from amaranth seeds is characterized with the higher content of saturated acids: 21.39
             % against 18.42 %; significantly higher concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids: 38.28 %
             against 14.42 %, mostly oleic acid (36.99 %), but less amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids:
             linolic acid – on 23.9 %, alpha-linolenic acid – on 3.45 %.
                  The  whole  meal  flour  from  amaranth  seeds  is  an  interesting  research  object  for  the
             development and verification of recommendations for the production of bakery confectionery
             goods of higher nutritional value and better quality. The addition of the flour from amaranth
             seeds into the formulation increases the nutritional value of the ready goods, improves their
             structural-mechanical properties. The optimal proportion of the flour from amaranth seeds of
             Krepysh and Valentina cultivars at the combined presence is 8.0 and 4.0 % relatively. The prime
             cost of a wafer sheet with higher nutritional value increases the prime cost of a traditional sheet
             by almost 50%. However, the ready goods on the base of amaranth flour will be in demand with
             the population because they possess improved nutritional value and are the goods for healthy

            Keywords: Аmaranth, cultivars, leaves, seeds, biochemical composition.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |53
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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