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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                               SCREW PRESSED FLAX (LINUM USITATISSIMUM L.) OIL
                    Jahongir Hikmatilloevich Hasanov , Sherzod Dilmurotovich Mirzaxmedov ,
                                            Shavkat Ismoilovich Salikhov
                           1 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan,
                              Tashkent, Uzbekistan; E-mail.:
                    2 Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
                  Essential fatty acids (EFA) play key roles in the normal development and functioning of
             the brain, central nervous system, linoleic acid (omega-6) and α-linolenic acid (omega-3) may
             convert  to  arachidonic  acid  (ARA)  and  eicosapentaenoic  acid  (EPA),  docosahexaenoic  acid
             (DHA) respectively. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) oil is one of the main sources of essential fatty
             acids that can be produced functional oil. It includes 40 % of oil and fatty acids composition
             such as α-linoleic acid (~53 %), oleic acid (~19 %), linoleic acid (~17 %), palmitic acid (~5 %),
             and stearic acid (~3 %). The higher temperature in pressing is used to faster extraction and
             increase the oil’s yield, but this may lead to thermal degradation of oils, especially those with a
             higher percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, oils with higher omega-3 content
             should  be  processed  with  extra  care  at  the  lowest  temperatures  possible  to  avoid  oil
             deterioration and to prolong oil stability. Due to the abovementioned circumstances, should be
             used  proper  processing  technologies  avoiding  oil  deterioration  and  oxidation.  Some
             technologies can be chosen to apply the production of functional oils. Screw pressing is an
             appropriate technology for producing flax oil even though some disadvantages.
                  The aim of our study is the determination of moisture content of flax by keeping in mind
            the quality and quantity of the produced oil. Initial oil and moisture content of the flax seed
            determined by following AOCS Official Method Af 2.3–54. Samples of flaxseed were weighted
            using a balance (Scout Pro SPS602F, max weight 600 g) and divided into 6 groups (each mass
            of the seed is 0.5 kg). The first group of (2*0.5 kg) moisture content of flax seeds was left without
            changing and remained seed groups were conditioned for the desired moisture content.
                  Our study shows higher flax seed oil recovery from 24.89 to 40.99 % at lower moisture
            content ranges as between 5.55~9.56 % w.b, when moisture contents increased oil recovery by
            pressing diminished. The observed trend can be explained by the high moisture contents and
            humidity of seeds that might be used as a lubricant and result in lower friction inside of the
            press. In addition, the plasticity of the seeds rises and the pressure inside of the press may
            decrease. However, solid tiny particles in oil demonstrated controversial results. The sediment
            content of oil increased from 6.07 to 19.2 %, when the moisture content decreased from 15.57
            to 5.55 %. Moreover, the effect of moisture contents of flaxseed on the quality parameters of oil
            such as acid value, peroxide value, and free fatty acids were studied as well. The acid value of
            oil represents a downward trend 2.65~1.47 (mg KOH/g) with increasing the moisture content
            from 5.55 to 11.05 % w.b. However, acid values increase was observed (1.79, 1.905 mg KOH/g)
            at the moisture contents of 14.62, 15.57 % w.b. respectively. FFA content of oil was declined
            below the moisture content of 11.05 % w.b. from 1.33 to 0.74 %. The highest peroxide value
            was 4.25 meq/kg at a moisture content of 5.55 % w.b, and the lowest 1.62 meq/kg at 14.62 %
            w.b. moisture content.
                  The overall picture of our research shows that the quality of the raw material is a crucial
             factor that can influence oil quality and quantity.

            Keywords: flaxseed oil, degradation, temperature, screw press.
            Work was supported by internal grants of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of
            Uzbekistan, the authors acknowledge for daily support of laboratory members of Chemistry of Proteins
            and Peptides.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |60
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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