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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                      Iryna Feketa

                      Uzhhorod National University, Uzgorod, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Global climate change on the planet is forcing scientists to pay attention to high-quality
             and competitive plant varieties.
                   Humulus lupulus L. is used in the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Humulus
             lupulus is important for the development of the hop industry in Ukraine.
                  It  is  important  to  study  the  features  of  seed  propagation  of  Humulus  lupulus  in
             Transcarpathia. Although it is propagated vegetatively in the production of Humulus lupulus,
             the study of this issue is of great importance for selective work and for understanding the
             relationships between plants in natural communities. Humulus lupulus is a dioecious plant, for
             pollination, it is necessary to take into account the relative position of plants of both sexes and
             the distance between them.
                  Humulus lupulus is a common perennial herbaceous vine with a fleshy rhizome. Plants
            have  aboveground  and  underground  parts,  only  the  underground  part  is  perennial.  The
            terrestrial  part  consists  of  annual  shoots  that  grow  annually  from  buds,  which  during  the
            growing season go through a full cycle of development, and die in winter. The stem curls to the
            right, seated with small spines, the leaves are long petiolate, opposite, with two stipules. Male
            flowers are collected in panicles and placed in the axils of the leaves. Females are covered with
            a wrapper and form inflorescences similar to cones. The most valuable part of hops is cones due
            to the presence of a complex of specific resins, polyphenolic compounds, essential oils, and
            biologically  active  substances  that  have  not  only  flavor  and  aroma,  but  also  antibiotic,
            antioxidant, and medicinal properties.
                  To characterize  seed productivity, the  following indicators were taken: potential seed
            productivity (PNP), which is defined as the number of seed germs per individual or generative
            shoot; and actual seed productivity (TNP) is the number of ripe undamaged seeds. Studies were
            conducted on plants in Transcarpathia. It was found that individuals have a lower TNF than
            PNP. This is due to the fact that plants during budding, flowering, and maturation of the plant
            are affected by weather conditions, insect pests, and various diseases.
                  Another important characteristic of seed propagation is seed germination. There is a low
            ability to germinate seeds in the first year of harvest. In the second year, seed germination is
            better, especially in stratified. The weak germination of non-stratified seeds is due to the fact
            that  it  is  covered  with  a  hard  shell,  which  is  impregnated  with  resinous  substances.  This
            prevents water from entering the seeds and delays their germination. After stratification, the
            seed coat collapses and germination conditions improve.
                  Humulus lupulus has high additional productivity, but the seeds are characterized by low
            germination, so when sowing it is necessary to carry out additional stratification.

            Keywords: Humulus lupulus, seeds, reproduction, productivity, stratification.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |50
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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