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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                     Inessa Ershova

                     Federal Altai Scientific Centre of Agro-Biotechnologies, Barnaul, Russian Federation;

                  Tocopherols  (Vitamin  E)  are  characterized  by  unique  biological  properties  and  high
            antioxidant activity. The fruits of sea buckthorn (Hippophaё rhamnoides L.) serve as a highly
            valuable source of natural Vitamin E, thus, it is important to study tocopherol content in the
            fruits of this crop, aiming to identify and create new cultivars and varieties with high content of
            this type of biologically active substances. Altai cultivars of sea buckthorn have high potential
            in this regard.
                  The present research aims to study the content of tocopherols in the fruits of nine sea
            buckthorn cultivars with high economic and biochemical potential: Chuiskaya, Elizaveta, Zlata,
            Inya, Ognivo, Chechek, Chulishmanka, Essel, and Ethna. The material of the research consisted
            of freshly harvested fruits, frozen in the freezer at -25  С. The extraction of tocopherols was
            performed  by  the  modified  method  equivalent  to  the  I.K.  Murry  method  of  extraction  of
            carotenoids. Ethanol 96 % and benzol were used as extractants. The sample weight was 5 g. 10
            ml of finite benzol fraction was a vacuum- concentrated by 20 times at the temperature of 35  С
            and  used  for  chromatographic  analysis.  The  chromatography  was  performed  with  liquid
            chromatograph Agilent LC 1260 Infinity, using column Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18, size 2.1*50 mm,
            sorbent grain – 1.8 microns. The conditions of chromatography were:  sample volume – 0.25–
            0.5 microliters, mobile phase –  water-acetonitrile (5 % Н2О, 95 % ACN), flow rate – 0.2 ml/min,
            time  –  30  minutes.  Mass  spectrums  of  the  samples  were  registered  by  mass  spectrometer
            Agilent  6530  QTOF.  Quantitative  analysis  was  based  on  the  analysis  of  MRM  transition
            430,3795→165,0912, the voltage of collision  cell being 20 V in positive  ionization  mode. A
            calibration curve was built on a standard sample of Vitamin E («Aldrich»).
                  The  research  shows  a  rather  high  level  of  tocopherol  content  that,  however,  differs
            substantially  in  the  fruits  of  the  abovementioned  cultivars  of  sea  buckthorn.  The  average
            tocopherol  quantity  is  96.1  mg/100  g,  with  a  variation  range  71.8–126.0  mg/100  g  in  wet
            weight. Cultivar Chuiskaya , known for the high content of biologically active substances in its
            fruits, also takes one of the leading positions in this research. The quantity of Vitamin E in this
            variety is 116.9 mg/100 g, which is higher than average in other varieties and very substantial
            for this crop. Red-fruited cultivar Ognivo has the highest tocopherol content: 126.0 mg/100 g.
            The enhanced content of Vitamin E is also remarked in cultivar Chechek (99.7 mg/100 g) and
            sweet-fruited  cultivar  Essel  (92.9  mg/100  g).  The  rest  of  the  cultivars,  according  to  the
            literature data, are also considered high in Vitamins. The corresponding variation range for
            them is 71.8–88.4 mg/100 g. In this group cultivar Chulishmanka deserves attention, as it has
            the highest content of tocopherols in the fruits – 88.4 mg/100 g, and, like cultivar Chyiskaya, it
            is  characterized  by  the  high  content  of  biologically  active  substances.  The  high  content  of
            Vitamin E is remarked in red-fruited cultivars and forms of sea buckthorn.

            Keywords: sea buckthorn, cultivars, fruits, tocopherols.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |49
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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