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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                        Roman Dvykaliuk, Leonora Adamchuk

                       National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;

                  Different  approaches  in  the  propolis  type  (kind)  names  are  primarily  due  to  the
             complexity of their definition and the identification of the botanical source (plant resin), which
             is the basis of the formation of bee glue. Most often, a new type of propolis is first identified
             organoleptically  in  the  nest  (colour,  smell,  taste,  consistency,  quantity)  and  then
             physicochemical  investigations  of  its  composition  and  properties  are  carried  out.  The
             identification of the plant source of propolis is a complex study. This requires the analysis of a
             significant number of candidate plants within the productive flight of bees from which propolis
             is selected. The goal of our work was to analyze the known types of propolis, their names, and
             botanical sources.
                  The author Anton C. de Groot (2013) denotes the types of propolis: «Poplar» plant source
             –  Populus  spp.,  «Green  (alecrim)  Brazilian»  –  Baccharis  spp.,  «Birch»  –  Betula  spp.,  «Red
             propolis»  –  Dalbergia  spp.,  «Mediterranean»  –  Cupressaceae  spp.,  «Clusia»  –  Clusia  spp.,
             «Pacific» – Macaranga spp. Bankova et al., (2019) define the types of propolis: «Poplar type
             propolis» – Populus spp., «Aspen type propolis» – Populus tremula L., «Brazilian green propolis»
             – Baccharis dracunculifolia DC., «South American red propolis» – Dalbergia ecastophyllum (L.)
             Taub., «Mediterranean type propolis»  – Cupressus sempervirens L., «Pacific type propolis» –
             Macaranga  tanarius  (L.)  Müll.Arg.,  «Mangifera  indica  type  propolis»  –  Mangifera  indica  L.,
             Mixed propolis types –  the source of which is two or more species of plants. Salas et al. (2020)
             defined «Zuccagnia-type Propolis» in Argentine, which originates from Zuccagnia punctata Cav.
             Bloor & Mitchell (2021) identify propolis the source of which is Populus spp. as «European-type
             propolis». Park et al., (2002) and Hodel et al., (2020) divided propolis from different regions of
             Brazil into 13 types by colour, texture, and chemical composition. Propolis whose source is
             Macaranga tanarius (L.) Müll.Arg. is called «Taiwanese green propolis (Su et al., 2014; Chen et
             al., 2019; Hsieh et al., 2019; Vo et al., 2021) or «Pacific type» (Trusheva et al., 2017). Jiang et al.,
             (2019) reported a new type of propolis in Changbai Mountains area (China). They concluded
             that the source of the propolis was Populus davidiana Dode and Populus simonii Carrière. There
             is also a discrepancy between the type names of propolis «Mediterranean propolis» to its plant
             source Cupressus sempervirens L. (El‐Guendouz et al., 2019; Svečnjak et al., 2020; Ardjoum et
             al., 2021; Popova et al., 2012). According to the results of a study of 56 samples of propolis from
             Croatia (Saftić et al., 2019), it has been proved that «European-type propolis» (Populus spp.) is
             obtained on the mainland and getting closer to the coast the substances that are specific to
             «Mediterranean propolis» are identified. According to authors (Bankova et al., 2002; Trusheva
             et al., 2011) «Mixed propolis types» is a type that is formed by the natural predisposition of
             bees to accumulate resin from different plants in their nests. Isidorov et al. (2016) confirm the
             presence of mixed types of propolis in European countries with a temperate climate. Two or
             more sources of plant resins (plant species) are identified in their composition.
                  Despite  different  approaches  to  the  typology  of  propolis  and  contradictions  in  its
             classification, there is a need to create a single identifier that can be used internationally.
            Keywords: propolis, type, species, plant resin.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |46
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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