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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                    THEIR TOXICITY
                              Jarmila Eftimová, Vladimír Petrovič, Vladimír Vodhanel
               Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacognosy and Botany, University of Veterinary
                     Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovak Republic; E-mail.:
                  The experimental work aimed to compare the influence of different application forms of
             alginite on the amounts of substances in Mentha species "Erdbeerminze" and Mentha species
             "Schokominze" and their toxicity on freshwater invertebrates of the genus Daphnia spp.
                  We determined the content of total polyphenols, phenolic acids, and antioxidant activity
             by spectrophotometric methods. The highest content of total polyphenols converted to coffee
             acid  equivalent  was  determined  in  the  aqueous  extract  of  a  sample  of  Mentha  species
             "Schokominze" in the control variant 3.37 mg CAE/100 g of dry drug. The lowest in the sample
             of Mentha species "Erdbeerminze" variant powdered alginite, 1.01 mg CAE/100g of the dried
             drug had the statistically lowest content.
                  The  highest  antioxidant  activity  determined  by  the  method  with  DPPH  radical  was
             observed in the methanol extract of Mentha species "Schokominze" in the variant with powdered
             alginite 40.52 % and in the dressing with alginite 39.87 %. The differences between the alginite
             and control variants are statistically insignificant. The highest antiradical activity (as Trolox
             equivalent)  was  shown  by  the  methanol  extract  of  Mentha  "Schokominze"  variant  alginite
             powder, namely 119.5 mg TEAC/100 g of dry drug.
                  The  content  of  phenolic  acids  in  the  ethanol  extracts  of  the  sample  Mentha  species
             "Schokomize" was determined in the range from 1.52–1.57 mg CAE/100 g of dried drug. No
             statistical differences  in  phenolic acid content  were observed between variants  within  one
                  Results of a 48-hour ecotoxicological experiment on Daphnia sp. indicate that the contents
             of the extracts from the sample of Mentha species "Schokominze" had approximately 10 times
             higher EC50 values than in all samples of Mentha species "Erdbeerminze", regardless of the form
             of alginite application. The results showed that the extract from Mentha species "Schokominze"
             in the control variant was for invertebrates Daphnia sp. the most toxic.
            Keywords: Mentha, essential oil, menthol, Erdbeerminze, Schokominze, alginite.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |47
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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