Page 46 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                        Roman Dvykaliuk, Leonora Adamchuk

                       National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;

                 The goal of our work was to substantiate a new approach to the definition of the type of
            propolis.  Scientific  information  sources  on  propolis  research  over  the  past  10  years  have
            contained a variety of inconsistent types of propolis. This uncertainty complicates the scientific
            search,  considering  the  different  languages  of  the  publication,  the  commercial  activities  of
            propolis producers, the educational process, and the systematization and generalization of the
            results of existing research. Consequently, new technologies and regions with potentially «new»
            types of propolis are overlooked.
                 Our observations on the behavior of honeybees during the carrying of plant resin in the
            2019–2021 beekeeping seasons confirm the results of Isidorov et al. (2016) and Bankova et al.
            (2019). We have observed bees with different colours of plant resin. However, not only the
            tendency of bees to visit different sources of propolis is the basis for the formation of «Mixed
            propolis  types».  We  have  found  that  the  way  the  propolis  is  collected  in  apiaries  plays  an
            important role in the formation of the type of propolis. The propolis was collected from 25
            apiaries in different regions of Ukraine using special meshes in the 2020 beekeeping season.
            Considering the obtained results, we have determined the factors that influence the formation
            of mixed or monofloral propolis. These include the presence of various botanical sources (plant
            species) that secrete plant resin simultaneously; the method of selection of propolis from hives;
            the  frequency  of  rotation  of  meshes’  areas  to  which  bees  have  access  for  laying
            propolis; propolis collection period; method of cleaning the tools for collecting propolis (parts
            of the hive or special devices). We have proved that within the same climatic zone, at the same
            way of collecting propolis  in the  same  period, colour, smell, taste of propolis  differ.  This is
            probably  due  to  the  specific  location  of  the  collection  and  the  flora  within  the  range  of
            productive flight of the bees, genetics, and the state of the colony (strength, presence of the
            honey harvest, development, etc.).
                 In our opinion, it is not advisable to link the propolis type name to a particular geographical
            region because its origin is primarily due to the species from which the bees collected the plant
            resins. The  distribution  of  plant  species  is  not  always  limited  to  geographical  regions. For
            example, Populus spp. is common in most of the world. Considering the common practice in
            beekeeping, the type of propolis should be based on the genus name of the plant (botanical
            source of its origin). Varieties of honey are similarly identified by botanical origin. Today it is
            known  that in different  regions, at least  7 species of the  genus  Populus spp. are sources of
            propolis. Subsequently, the propolis obtained and identified from the individual plant species
            should be classified under the subtype. Depending on the presence of one or more sources in
            the propolis, the type of propolis should be named by the dominant source, with additional
            sources  also  mentioned  in  the  name. The  adoption  of  a  common  approach  to  the names of
            propolis types will promote good research and scientific practice, popularize the product to
            consumers and provide a basis for the development of common standards and product quality
            for the improvement of human health.
            Keywords: propolis, botanical origin, type.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |45
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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