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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                         Volodymyr Duplij, Nadiia Matvieieva
                     Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences
                                   of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Plants  have  been  used  by  mankind  since  ancient  times  for  the  treatment  and
            prevention of various diseases. However, mass collection of plant raw materials can pose a
            threat to natural populations. In addition, contamination of the environment with toxicants
            sometimes  makes  it  impossible  to  collect  plants  that  grow  naturally.  The  use  of
            biotechnological approaches, in particular, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, allows
            obtaining "hairy" roots of medicinal plants. Such roots are a promising source of a complex
            of bioactive compounds, as they can synthesize compounds inherent in plants, and their
            number may be many times higher than that in control plants. In addition, the roots grown
            in bioreactors are not exposed to negative natural factors that reduce the content of valuable
            compounds, in particular, flavonoids, as they are cultivated under standardized conditions
            (medium composition, temperature, humidity, etc.). However, the extraction conditions of
            the compounds synthesized in "hairy" roots are an important technological factor that must
            be taken into account. In this work, we analyzed the features of extraction of flavonoids
            using a water-ethanol mixture with different ethanol content. "Hairy" roots of Cichorium
            intybus L. (2 samples) and Artemisia vulgaris L. (2 samples) were grown under standard
            conditions  (Murashige  and  Skoog  nutrient  medium),  collected,  lyophilized,  and  crushed.
            Extraction was performed at + 25 °C for 24 h using 40 %, 70 % and 96 % aqueous-ethanol
            mixture. The total flavonoid content was determined by reaction with aluminum chloride
            per 1 gram of dry weight (DW).
                  It  was  found  that  the  studied  root  samples  differed  significantly  in  the  content  of
            flavonoids after extraction with a water-ethanol mixture of different concentrations. Thus,
            in the A. vulgaris sample №1 the largest amount of flavonoids was detected by extraction
            with 40 % ethanol – 63.5 ±1.25 mg/g DW. When 70 and 96 % ethanol were used, the amount
            of flavonoids was 25.2 ±0.28 and 35.18 ±2.15 mg/g DW, respectively. At the same time, the
            detected content of flavonoids in sample №2 of the same species was 55.49 ±3.34, 67.78
            ±7.03, and 73.08 ±4.28, respectively, using 40 %, 70 %, and 96 % ethanol.
                  Two samples of C. intybus differed from the above-described extracts because a higher
            content of flavonoids was detected using 70 % ethanol. Thus, flavonoid content was 74.82
            ±1.56, 89.35 ±1.32, and 84.48 ±3.12 in the line №1, as well as in the line №2 it was 71.34
            ±1.79, 93.99 ±1.51, and 88.34 ±1.31 mg/g DW when used respectively 40 %, 70 %, and 96
            % ethanol.
                  Such features can be explained by the different qualitative compositions of flavonoids.
            This  is  due  to  the  solubility  of  glycosylated  flavonoids  (preferably  extracted  with  a  water-
            ethanol mixture with a lower ethanol concentration) and aglycones, which are extracted with a
            mixture with a high concentration of ethanol. The obtained data indicate a probably higher
            content of aglycones in two samples of chicory "hairy” roots in comparison with the wormwood
            sample №1. Thus, when optimizing the method of extraction of flavonoids, it is necessary to
            conduct preliminary testing using an aqueous-ethanol mixture of different concentrations for
            maximum extraction f the target compounds.

            Keywords: Cichorium intybus, Artemisia vulgaris, "hairy" roots, flavonoids.
            The work was supported by a grant № II-2-21of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |44
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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