Page 43 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                  INDUSTRY 4.0 TECHNOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY
                                       Lіudmуla Deіneko, Oksana Kyshnirenko

                    Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
                                       Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:

                  A  characteristic  feature  of  the  current  days  is  the  technological  challenges,  related  to
             Industry  4.0.  These  include  the  widespread  dissemination  of  digital  technologies  in
             manufacturing and services, including everyday life, work, and leisure. Technological changes
             of  the  Industry  4.0  are  characterized  by  the  global  integration  of  digital  networking
             technologies  into  day-to-day  life.  It  established  new  rules  and  priorities,  changed  forms  of
             behavior, and set the parameters of the impact on the environment and biodiversity, propelling
             the world into modernity. It is not a matter of the local application of technologies, but about
             their merger, integration into a network, which entails profound structural transformations
             that are manifested at the global level. Prior to the emergence of Industry 4.0 all organisms have
             been  evolving  within  the  natural  selection  processes,  but  industrial development  advances
             have brought the loss of biodiversity (from 10 to 50 % of well-studied higher taxonomic groups
             are  endangered,  including  23  %  of  mammalian  species,  12  %  of  birds,  25  %  –  conifers),
             triggering food and water insecurity. The latest technologies make it possible to carry out a
             rational design of biological development. Such biological intervention may have serious risks
             if the effects of such intervention are not sufficiently studied.
                  In the light of the above mentioned, the goal of the research is to improve the conceptual
            approaches for explaining the causes of environmental transformations and determining the
            patterns of their impact on biodiversity, to prevent the destructive impact of industrial and
            innovative transformations brought by the Industry 4.0. That, in turn, will allow developing new
            approaches to the prospects of further socio-economic development and will help to adapt to
            the challenges of the future.
                  Both general and special scientific methods were used in the study. To determine the
             impact  of  technological  innovations  of  Industry  4.0  on  the  environment,  particularly  on
             biodiversity, a systematic approach was applied. The main research methods used in the work
             are abstract-logical (for theoretical generalization of the results of the scientific research and
             formation  of  conclusions);  economic  and  statistical  –  time  series,  analytical  grouping  (to
             identify trends in detecting the influence of factors on biodiversity), monographic (to clarify
             individual concepts – "industry 4.0", "biodiversity", etc.).
                  Through  compiling  and  synthesizing  existing  scientific  approaches  to  Industry  4.0’s
             technologies, it has been determined that they could be both a source of future environmental
             problems and a basis for the new promising environmental technologies. The identification of
             transformational forces, that will affect future development, making it possible to systematize
             the  factors  influencing  industry  4.0  technologies  on  biodiversity  and  the  state  of  the
             environment. The measures for the prevention of such risks are substantiated, of which the
             authors distinguish: intimate understanding of the mechanics of the rational management of
             natural  resources  with  the  use  of  appropriate  innovative  ecologically  oriented
             nanotechnologies; enhancing the development of a circular economy; stimulating sustainable
             practices  in  the  manufacturing,  retail  and  service  provision;  promoting  sustainable
             consumption and the transition to healthy diets; reduction of industrial waste; reduction of
             emissions and the transition to a state of "low-carbon industries"; support of the ecological
             transport development and the creation of appropriate infrastructure; the dissemination of
             environmentally friendly resource-efficient innovations, development of "green" businesses.
                  This paper considered the issue of the Industry 4.0 influence on biodiversity and the state
            of the environment. With the development of Industry 4.0, the demands of society to protect the
            interests of each person and the environment are growing.

             Keywords: Industry 4.0, biodiversity, risks, transhumanism.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |42
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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