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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                        BIOSTIMULATORS FOR AGRICULTURE
                                   Alexandru Dascaliuc, Tatiana Călugăru-Spătaru
                            Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Protection of Plants, Chisinau,
                                         Moldova; E-mail.:
                  We  focused  our  research  on  testing  the  assumption  that  the  response  of  biological
             systems to stressors depends on the general or similar effects of various adaptogens on the
             viability and health of humans, animals, and plants due to the available mechanisms of response
             to factors inherited during evolution. We present the results obtained in studying the influence
             of  biostimulators,  extreme  temperatures,  and  ultraviolet  radiation  on  the  accumulation  of
             secondary metabolites in Rhodiola rosea L., cultivated in conditions in vivo and in vivo.
                  In  research,  we  used  golden  root  plants  collected  from  the  Carpathian  Mountains  or
             artificially grown in vivo and in vitro. In laboratory and field conditions, we determined the
             influence  of  different  physical  and  chemical  factors  on  the  growth,  accumulation,  and
             composition of secondary metabolites in the in vivo and in vitro culture of the golden root. In
             parallel, tested the influence of substances with the property's characteristic for adaptogens on
             the resistance and productivity of higher plants to the action of extreme temperatures and
             gamma radiation.
                  We  developed  and  adjusted  the  conditions  for  multiplying  and  obtaining  golden  root
             biomass from plants cultivated in vivo and the callus growing in vitro. The content of secondary
             metabolites in rhizomes and callus biomass was lower than in plant rhizomes collected in the
             mountains. After introducing un culture medium the precursors of secondary metabolite, or
             biostimulators with adaptogen properties, the accumulation of secondary metabolites in callus
             cells  of  the  golden  root  increased.  Short-term  exposure  of  callus  to  low  temperatures  and
             ultraviolet  radiation  assured  a  similar  beneficial  effect  on  the  accumulation  of  secondary
             metabolites. The treatment with biostimulators that demonstrate adaptogen properties of the
             seeds  and  different  species  of  plants  by  vegetation  lead  the  increasing  plants  primary  and
             adaptive resistance to heat, frost, and gamma radiation. The use of biostimulators to treat wheat
             seeds before sowing, depending on the conditions of the year and variety, ensured the harvest
             increased by 0.2–1.2 tons per hectare.
                  The modification plants' response to the action of abiotic stresses using biostimulators
             and  adaptogens  is  similar.  Developing  efficient  cultivation  methods  and  accumulation  of
             secondary metabolites by golden root plants grown in vitro or in vivo opens new possibilities
             for  obtaining  raw  materials  in  sufficient  quantities  for  the  large-scale  and  economically
             advantageous implementation of adaptogens in medicine and organic agriculture.

            Keywords: system biology, adaptogens, biostimulators, golden root.
            The research was carried out partially in the frame of State Programs 20.80009.7007.07 by the financial
            support of the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |40
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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