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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                 Olena Vergun, Dzhamal Rakhmetov, Valentyna Fishchenko, Svitlana Rakhmetova

                    M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
                                     Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:

                  Last  decades  the  search  and  study  of  new  plants  for  energetic  purposes  has  been
             continued.  In  Ukraine, many-year  investigations  have  been  conducted  in  the  M.M.  Gryshko
             National  Botanical  Garden  (NBG)  in  the  Department  of  Cultural  Flora  where  collected
             numerous species, varieties, and cultivars of perspective energetic plants. The complex study
             focused on the biological, ecological, biochemical, and physiological properties of these plants.
             The determination of the dry matter, the total content of sugars, ash content, caloricity, and
             lignin content is an important characteristic in the investigation of the biochemical composition
             of potent energetic plants.
                  Lignin is an aromatic heteropolymer predominantly composed of coniferyl and sinapyl
             alcohol in angiosperms and contains additional p-coumaryl alcohol units in grasses. Lignins
             from  herbaceous  plants  have  been  studied  not  fully  relatively  with  woody  plants.  Some
             investigations  showed that lignin  in the Poaceae  plants contains the methoxyl groups than
             lignin from Fabaceae Lindl. or Caryophyllaceae Juss.
                  The  study was  conducted in the  NBG. The  content of dry matter, the  total  content of
             sugars, and lignin were determined in raw of selected Poaceae plants: Eleusine coracana (L.)
             Gaerth.  Cv.  Tropikanka,  Hordeum  bulbosum  L.,  Miscanthus  sacchariflorum  (Maxim.)  Benth.,
             Panicum virgatum L., Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. spp. maxima (Alef.) Mansf., cv. s. Sviatkova, S.
             italica Beauv. spp. mocharia (Alef.) Mansf. × S. italica (L.)   Beauv. ssp. maxima (Alef.) Mansf., f.
             ETSHCHMIF-3.1,  Sorghum  almum  Parodi,  S.  bicolor  (L.)  Moench.,  S.  ×  drummondii  (Nees  ex
             Steud.), S. sudonense, S. saccharatum, cv. Pamat Shepelia. The investigation was carried out in
             2015–2017 at the stage of flowering. The dry matter content was determined by drying plant
             raw till constant weight at 105 ℃.. The reducing sugars content was found using Bertrand’s
             method. The lignin content was detected by cellulose stabilization in sulfuric acid.
                  In the Department of Cultural Flora of the NBG have been studied plants with different
             useful purposes, among which energetic plants. The collection fund of energetic plants includes
             species, varieties, and cultivars of representatives of Miscanthus Anderss., Panicum L., Sorghum
             Moench, Paulownia Siebold & Zucc., etc. The complex study of energetic plants found that the
             content of dry matter for all investigated plants was from 20.40 (E.  coracana) to 63.32 (H.
             bulbosum) %. The content of reducing sugars was from 1.94 (S. italica, cv. s. Sviatkova) to 8.41
             (S. bicolor) %. The lignin content was found in the range from 2.70 (S. × drummondii) to 14.37
             (M.  sacchariflorum)  %.  We  found  a  very  weak  correlation  between  sugars  and  lignin  of
             investigation plants (r = 0.134). Al other parameters showed a negative correlation between
             each other.
                  Results showed that at the flowering stage different Poaceae species accumulated high
             content  of  dry  matter,  reducing  sugars,  and  lignin.  This  study  demonstrated  the  results  of
             primary  biochemical  investigations  of  selected  plants  from  the  Poaceae  family  that  can  be
             useful for further biochemical study and selective work.

            Keywords: Poaceae, lignin, sugars.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |143
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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