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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                Olena Vergun, Dzhamal Rakhmetov, Svitlana Rakhmetova, Oleksandr Bondarchuk,
                                                 Valentyna Fishchenko
                  M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                   Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Cicer  arietinum  L.  (chickpea)  is  an  ancient  crop  that  is  cultivated  widely  in  tropical,
            subtropical regions. This legume is one of the most important food plants in the world with
            high-quality protein, especially for vegetarian people. In Asia global production of chickpea is
            approximately 60 %. The biochemical composition of C. arietinum is fatty acids, minerals, β-
            carotenes, and bioactive compounds are flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignin, carotenoids. Selected
            components  of  C.  arietinum  have  a  potential  beneficial  effect  in  decrease  the  risk  of  some
            chronic diseases.
                  This  study  was  aimed  to  determine  selected  biochemical  parameters  in  the  raw  of  C.
            arietinum  genotypes:  f.  CAOCHL,  f.  CATADJD-2,  f.  CAUKR,  f.  CAAZEUR-2,  f.  CAAFGD-2,  f.
            CAAZEMR-1, f. CABFR-2, f. CABFR-1, f. CAAFGK-1 at the end of flowering–start of fruitage (EFFr)
            and fruitage–start of ripening (FrSR) during 2020–2021. Plant raw material was collected from
            the experimental collections of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine.
            The content of dry matter is determined after drying at 105 °C till constant weight. The reducing
            sugar content was detected by Bertrand’s method. Ascorbic acid content determined in acid
            extracts by Tillman’s method. Titrable acidity and tannin content were determined from water
            extracts by titration with an alkaline solution and indigo carmine solution, respectively. The
            content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids was determined after measuring the
            optic density of acetone solutions on spectrophotometer Unico and results were given as mg/g
            of fresh weight. Results showed that dry matter in raw of 6 genotypes decreased from EFFr to
            FrSR. In total, the content of dry matter was 26.62–35.56 % at EFFr and 22.10–33.74 % at FrSR.
            Reducing sugars content was 7.39–12.81 % at EFFr and 6.47–10.96 % at FrSR. The ascorbic acid
            content for investigated genotypes was from 35.33 to 217.94 mg% at EFFr and from 52.13 to
            169.80 mg% at FrSR. The titrable acidity was from 2.32 to 3.19 % at EFFr and from 1.41 to 3.93
            % at FrSR. Content of tannins was from 1.04 to 1.55 % at EFFr and from 0.21 to 6.70 % at FrSR.
            As a result of the study, the content of chlorophyll a was from 1.11 to 2.61 mg/g at the end of
            blossoming-fruiting and from 0.82 to 2.04 mg/g at the fruiting-ripening stage. The chlorophyll
            a content was significantly higher than chlorophyll b. The content of chlorophyll b was from
            0.297 to 0.426 mg/g and from 0.09 to 0.24 mg/g at the fruiting-ripening period. Carotenoids
            accumulated at the end of blossoming-fruiting from 0.56 to 1.28 mg/g and the fruiting-ripening
            stage from 0.47 to 1.29 mg/g. The relationship of chlorophylls content (a/b) was 3.28–7.48 at
            the end of blossoming-fruiting and 4.28–15.24 at the fruiting-ripening stage. This ratio shows
            the  light  adaptation  response.  The  relationship  between  chlorophylls  and  carotenoids  was
            2.05–2.63 at the end of blossoming-fruiting and 1.67–2.59 at the fruiting-ripening stage. This
            ratio is an indicator of the greenness of the plant and less values say about the senescence
                  Thus, our study demonstrated that different genotypes of C. arietinum are a good source
            of nutrients. Despite on wide use of this species in the food industry of Asian countries, the study
            of biochemical composition and physiological parameters in other areas in the world. This study
            can be useful for further selective work with this species and deep biochemical investigation.

            Keywords: Cicer arietinum, biochemical composition, chlorophylls, carotenoids.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |144
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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