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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                     EXTRACTION FROM DANDELION FLOWERS
                                 (TARAXACUM OFFICINALE (L.) WEBB EX F.H.WIGG)

                                      Lyudmila Kosogolova, Olena Kuznietsova
                            National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:

                  In recent years, functional foods have become increasingly popular, the daily consumption
            of which promotes good health. The feature of the composition of these products is the presence
            of physiologically important compounds in  them: vitamins, macro-  and microelements, and
            fibers. Particular attention is paid to plants with centuries of use in folk medicine, which include
            dandelion (Taraxacum officinale (L.) Webb ex F.H.Wigg) – a perennial herbaceous plant of the
            family  Asteraceae  Bercht.  &  J.Presl.  45  biologically  active  compounds  were  identified  in
            dandelion  flowers,  including  amino  acids,  flavonoids,  sugars,  tocopherols,  sterols,  and
            coumarins.  The  most  valuable  biologically  active  compounds  are  flavonoids,  which  have  P-
            vitamin  activity,  reduce  the  harmful  impact  of  toxic  substances,  have  antimicrobial  and
            antihistamine effects, and in combination with ascorbic acid have anti-inflammatory and anti-
            allergic  effects  on  the  capillary  system.  In  addition,  flavonoids  act  as  strong  antioxidants,
            protecting against oxidation and damage by free radicals.
                  Therefore,  it  was  important  to  optimize  the  process  of  extraction  of  flavonoids  in
            dandelion flowers. Vegetable raw materials of dandelion were collected in the spring during the
            period  of  mass  flowering,  it  is  known  that  during  this  period  the  most  biologically  active
            compounds accumulate in the flowers. Drying of raw materials was performed according to
            conventional methods.
                  The degree of grinding is of great importance for the extraction of extractives from plant
            material, which allows increasing the interfacial surface of vegetable raw materials, thereby
            influencing the dynamics of extraction. The choice of extractant depends on the hydrophilicity
            of  biologically  active  compounds  contained  in  dandelion  flowers.  Most  biologically  active
            compounds of dandelion flowers are hydrophilic, so it is advisable to use water as an extractant.
            The extraction was performed with distilled water at a temperature of (20 ±2)  C for 30 min,
            the ratio of raw material and extractant was 1:20 and the degree of grinding was about 2 mm.
            To optimize the extraction process electromagnetic radiation was used. Irradiation of dandelion
            flower  extract  was  performed  under  standard  conditions.  Treatment  with  electromagnetic
            radiation was performed at extremely high frequency (57–68 GHz) and ultrasound (800–860
            kHz) for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 minutes. Control samples were under the same conditions without
            irradiation. Determination of flavonoids was performed according to standard methods.
                  It was found that with increasing time of irradiation there was an increase in the content
            of flavonoids. It was found that at an extremely high frequency (57–68 GHz) the greatest effect
            was found at 15 minutes of irradiation of dandelion flowers, the number of flavonoids in this
            mode increased by 2 times compared to the control. Ultrasonic treatment showed the best
            result at 20 minutes of irradiation and the amount of flavonoids increased 2.5 times compared
            to the control sample.
                  It is proposed to use electromagnetic radiation at an extremely high frequency (57–68
            GHz) for 15 minutes to optimize the process of extraction of flavonoids from dandelion flowers.
            Keywords: Taraxacum officinale, flavonoids, extraction, electromagnetic radiation.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |81
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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