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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                      IN EURASIA
                                                  Svitlana Klymenko
                    M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                     Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Cornus mas L. (cornelian cherry) belongs to the subgenus Cornus L.s.str. (genus Cornus,
            family Cornaceae Bercht. & J.Presl). Subgenus Macrocarpium, which has fragmented areal on
            the  globe,  is  represented  by  four  species:  Cornus  mas  L.  –  in  the  west  of  the  mainland,  C.
            officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. – in Japan, China and Korea,  C. chinensis Wanger. – in the central region
            of China and C. sessilis Toor. – in North America. Some species of the subgenus Cornus belong to
            ancient fruit and medicinal plants. In the northern Black Sea region (Moldova), the fruits of C.
            mas were used even in the Neolithic period. In Ukraine, C. mas plants were cultivated already in
            Kievan Rus. Fruits and other parts of the plant are used as an active antimicrobial remedy for
            various ailments due to the high content in them of biologically active substances. Fruits and
            drugs of them (decoctions, tinctures, teas, concentrates of fresh and dried raw materials) exhibit
            antiscorbutic,  general  health-improving,  tonic,  astringent,  temporary  hypotensive,  diuretic
            effect. Fresh fruits  (10–12  g/day) are recommended for neurasthenia, common  weakening,
            joint pains, infectious hepatitis, and others. From the pulp of the fruits is prepared for centuries
            well-known antiscorbutic cornelian paste, that contains 50–55 mg% of ascorbic acid and does
            not lose the healing properties within 2 years. One hundred grams of this paste contains a daily
            dose of ascorbic acid. The fruits of cornelian cherry – a rich source of pectin, which can bind
            radioactive  isotopes  of  strontium,  calcium,  cobalt,  as  well  as  pectins  hardly  digested  in  the
            human digestive tract, then with them excreted most of these isotopes. A large amount of pectin
            in the fruits of the cornelian cherry also determines their value to the canning industry. The
            leaves of cornelian cherry have a high content of biologically active substances throughout the
            growing  season  and  can  be  a  source  of  cheap  raw  materials  for  the  creation  of  preventive
            vitamin phytocompositions. Of the endocarp (stone) cornelian cherry isolated lipid fraction is
            an oily, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. The composition and proportion of fatty acids
            determine their biological activity.
                  In modern gardening, C. mas is a relatively young culture, at the same time it meets the
            requirements of today. The main biological characteristics of the C. mas: there is no periodicity
            in fruiting, the biological productivity in favorable conditions is 30–100 kg per tree depending
            on  age.  The  duration  of  the  productive  period  is  100–150  years.  Plants  are  practically  not
            damaged by pests and diseases and don’t need pest-killers treatment. C. mas yields abundant
            and  stable  crops  in  culture  with  large  juicy  fruits,  while  not  demanding  through  care,  its
            cultivation is very paying.
                  Still used the local varieties, and the fruits are collected in natural populations, squares
            which  is  very  reduced  as  soon  as  their  natural  habitats,  as  well  as  productivity,  were
            significantly reduced the demand in fruits are no satisfy. Besides, the forest forms of cornelian
            cherry don’t bear fruits regularly enough, yield small dry fruits, especially in draughty years.
            The crop makes up 2.8–4.8 kg per bush; under sufficient light and moistening crop capacity
            grows considerably and makes 5–10 kg per bush.
                  Systematic selection of C. mas has not been done for a long time, in areas where it has long
            been grown, used selected local forms. In Ukraine, work on the revival of C. mas culture began
            60 years ago at the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden in Kyiv (NBG). Cornelian cherry has
            not been included in the State Register of Sorts of Ukraine until 1990. The blank has been filled
            up by the work of the NBG. For the first time, 14 cultivars of C. mas were entered in the State
            Register. The gene pool of C. mas of the NBG differs by the rich variety of biological and economic
                  More  than  50  promising  cultivars  were  created  as  a  result  of  analytical  (Grenader,
            Lukianivskyi, Mriia Shaidarovoi, Nikolka, Nizhnyi, Olena, Oryhinalnyi, Priorskyi, Semen, Suliia,

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |76
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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