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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                         Mykhailo Kryvyi , Olena Dikhtiar , Dina Lisohurska , Jan Brindza
                           1 Polissya National University, Faculty of Technology, Zhytomyr, Ukraine;
              2 Institute of Biological Conservation and Biosafety, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak
                  The biological value of flowers of medicinal plants is determined by their total antioxidant
            activity, which is  due to the  content of biologically active substances, phenolic  compounds,
            flavonoids, localized in various vegetative organs of plants.
                  Our research aimed to determine and compare the total antioxidant activity of methanol
             and  aqueous  extracts  of  dry  matter  of  flowers  of  medicinal  plants  for  their  further  use  in
                  Plant raw materials of echinacea purpurea (Echinacea purpurea L.), oregano (Origanum
             vulgare L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.), hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis
             L.),  tarragon  (Artemisia  dracunculus  L.),  wormwood.  (Artemisia  absinthium  L.),  veronica
             longifolia (Veronica longifolia L.), сanadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.), heather (Calluna
             vulgaris (L.) Hull), which were used for analysis were obtained in conditions Polissya, Zhytomyr
                  To date, several methods are known to assess the antioxidant potential of plants, one of
             which  is  a  spectrometric  method  with  a  stable  chromogen  radical  DPPH  (2,2-diphenyl-1-
             picrylhydrazyl).  According  to  the  method,  methanol  and  distilled  water  were  used  as
             extractants. Before research, flowers with a dry matter content of 15–16 % were ground and
             extracted in solvents. The solutions were constantly stirred on the shaker for 12 hours. We
             added 3.9 ml of phenolic DPPH solution to the filtered extracts for further studies. We prepared
             the solution for photometric studies immediately before the analysis. The antioxidant activity
             of  the  dry  matter  of  flowers  was  determined  using  a  spectrophotometer  Genesis-20.  For
             calculations, we measured the optical density of the radical solution and the optical density
             with  the  sample  10  minutes  after  preparation.  Experimental  data  were  processed  by  the
             method  of  mathematical  statistics  in  Microsoft  Excel,  calculated  the  average  value  (M),  its
             standard error (m), and the coefficient of variation (V).
                  We found a high level of antioxidant action of plant extracts in methanol solution (71.1–
            76.1 %); in particular, we found the highest potential is in Calluna vulgaris, Solidago canadensis,
            Hyssopus  officinalis,  Tanacetum  vulgare,  Artemisia  absinthium.  In  an  aqueous  solution,  the
            antioxidant effect of the extracts was in the range of 23.5–71.8 %. High values of antioxidant
            capacity  of  aqueous  extracts  of  flowers  had  Calluna  vulgaris,  Tanacetum  vulgare,  Veronica
            longifolia. On the contrary, the lowest antioxidant capacity in aqueous extracts of Echinacea
            purpurea, Origanum vulgare has been found. Coefficients of variation of antioxidant activity of
            extracts of medicinal plants in methanol solutions range from 0.5 to 4.0 %, and in aqueous from
            1.3 to 15.6 %. The most consolidated values of the coefficients of variation in methanol solutions
            were  obtained  in  Echinacea  purpurea  and  Tanacetum  vulgare,  and  in  aquatic  –  Solidago
            canadensis, Hyssopus officinalis.
                  The  obtained  data  of  studies  of  flowers  of  medicinal  plant  extracts  testify  to  their
             indisputable antioxidant properties. Therefore, they can potentially be used for bee colonies in
             early spring.

            Keywords: plant, extract, methanol, water, antioxidant activity.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |85
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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