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P. 79
5 International Scientific Online Conference DOI:
Svitlana Klymenko, Antonina Ilyinska
M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
East Asian genus Chaenomeles Lindl. includes four species, three hybrid groups, and more
than 500 cultivars. Chaenomeles species have been cultivated since ancient times, mostly as
ornamental plants. In the middle of the 20th century, the species of chenomeles were included
among the new economically important and ecologically clean potential fruit crops, due to its
valuable biochemical composition and high antioxidant activity of fruits combined with high
yields, annual fruiting, long-term storage of fruits, and as well as a wide range of plant
adaptability, their resistance to diseases and pests and simple cultivation techniques. The actual
direction of modern selection is to obtain large-fruited cultivars and forms with a high content
of pulp, the small size of the seed chamber and a large thickness of the mesocarp, and a high
content of biologically active substances.
We investigated the biometric parameters (length, diameter, and weight) of fruits of
genotypes of 29 cultivars and forms of Chaenomeles spp., which were grown in M.M. Gryshko
National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), in 2018. In
2018, the largest in average size (length and diameter) and weight were the fruits of cultivars
of Ukrainian selection: Ch. japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach 'Chudovyy Olʹhy' (65.2 mm; 61.9
mm; 132.0 g, respectively), Ch. japonica x Ch. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai 'Yan' (55.6 mm; 56.0 mm;
94.6 g, respectively), 'Vyshukanyy Svitlany' (47.4 mm; 58. 1mm; 78.8 g respectively). The
average fruit weight of Ch. x superba (Frahm) Rehder 'Nicoline' was 72.8 g. A significant part of
the studied forms and cultivars had fruits weighing more than 50 g, for example, Ch. japonica
'Tsytrynovyy' (67.1 g), Ch. speciosa 'Nivalis' (62.4 g), form Ch. x superba 'Amphora' (58.5 g),
form Ch. japonica x Ch. speciosa 'Svyatkovyy' (57.7 g), Ch. x superba 'Crimson and Gold' (57.4 g),
etc. The smallest fruits in size and weight were cultivars of Ch. japonica 'Karavayevsʹkyy' (42.4
mm; 27.0 mm; 19.9 g, respectively) and Ch. × superba 'Pink Trail' (31.3 mm; 36.1 mm; 23.3 g,
respectively). The level of fruit size variability in all studied cultivars and forms was very low
(V < 7 %) or low (V = 7–12 %). The weight of the fruits, in contrast to their size, varied in a much
wider range. The level of its variability ranged from very low to high. The weight of the fruits of
the cultivar Ch. speciosa 'Yukigoten' was the most stable (V = 5.8 %), and in Ch. x superba
'Crimson and Gold' – the most variable (V = 33.2 %). Our results showed that the most suitable
for use in the food industry are large-fruited varieties-forms of Ukrainian selection Ch. japonica
'Chudovyy Olʹhy' Ch. japonica x Ch. speciosa 'Jan' and 'Vyshukanyy Svitlany'. Cultivars with an
average fruit size > 50 g, for example, Ch. x superba 'Nicoline', Ch. japonica 'Tsytrynovyy' (67.1
g), Ch. x superba 'Amphora' (58.5 g) and Ch. japonica x Ch. speciosa 'Svyatkovyy' (57.7 g), etc.
also deserve attention as a raw material for useful dietary products.
Keywords: Chaenomeles spp., cultivars, fruits, biometric indicators, introduction, selection.
5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and |78
Spiritual Human Development
November 3 2021