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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


            Yantarnyi),  synthetic  (Elehantnyi,  Koralovyi  Marka,  Kostia,  Radist,  Starokyivskyi,
            Volodymyrskyi, Vydubetskyi, Yevheniia) and clone selection (Ekzonytchnyi, Svitliachok).
                  Now there are no genotypes with yellow fruits in nature. We have five the some, three of
            which are of particular interest – Alosha, Nizhnyi and Yantarnyi and have been prepared for the
                  In addition to the registered cultivars, there is a great potential for hybrid cultivars of C.
            mas, with a variety of biological, environmental properties and economic value. Cultivars such
            as:  Koralovyi,  Kozerih,  Nartsyz,  Nespodivanyi,  Priorskyi,  Suliia,  Vytivka  Svitlany,  Yantarnyi,
            Yuvileinyi Klymenko are prepared for the state test. Created cultivars of C. mas with oval, round,
            pear-shaped, bottle-shaped fruits of red, cherry, dark red, almost black, yellow, and pink. The
            average weight of the fruit in different cultivars is 5.0–8.0 g, maximum 9.0–10.0 g; it varies from
            year to year depending on weather conditions. In our best cultivars, the stone is 7.5–10.0 % by
            weight of the fruit, in other cultivars, this figure is 11.0–12.0 % (in wild forms, the stone is 12.0–
            19.0 % by weight fetus).
                  The first stage was the analytical selection when we used the results of the spontaneous
            selection. As a result of the second stage – synthetic selection (cultivated varieties of C. mas of
            diversified  origin  were  used)  there  have  been  developed  cultivars  characterized  by  steady
            annual  fructification,  with  various  biochemical  properties  and  practical  –  valuable
            characteristics  (mass,  shape,  color  fruit,  ripening  and  other),  high  productivity,  and  frost
            resistance under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe.
                  The fruits contain 8.0 to 11.0 % of sugars; 1.3–1.9 % of organic acids; 101.0–193.0 mg%
            of the vitamin C; 670.0–850.0 mg% of anthocyanin the skin, and 36.0–121.3 mg% – in the pulp.
                  The genetic pool of C. mas in Ukraine is formed mainly by the cultivars selected by the
            NBG. The cultivars of our selection have become widespread not only in Ukraine but also in
            European countries (Poland, Austria, Greece, Serbia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria), the
            United States, and Japan. Breeding with C. mas in Ukraine was the impetus for such work and
            the spread of C. mas cultivars of Ukrainian selection in other countries.
                  As a result of breeding work, winter-hardy, highly productive cultivars of C. mas were
            created that are promising for industrial and farming crops in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia,
            as well as in the steppe regions of Ukraine (under irrigation conditions). Industrial plantations
            of  C.  mas  can  function  for  many  decades.  We  have  developed  the  technology  of  vegetative
            propagation – the yield of planting material is 85–90 %. In calculating complex of arrangements
            aimed at establishing the plantation we proceed from the following data: an average number of
            plants per hectare – 500, 625, 835, and 1000 (feeding area 5 x 4, 4 x 4, 4 x 3, 4 x 2.5 m) pieces,
            the average productivity of one plant – 30–80 kg, stones make 10 % of the mass of the fruits, a
            number of stones per one tree – 20.0–24.0 thousands, crop per 1 hectare – 200–250 centner.
                  The technology of vegetative reproduction of the cornelian cherry has been worked out.
            The  main  method  is  budding,  resulting  in  90–98  %  output;  other  methods  are  also  being
            effective: by offsets – with 85–90 % output, by green grafts – with 75–78 %. Seedlings serve as
            stock for inoculation.
                  Special cornel gardens, both in Ukraine and abroad, are extremely rare. However, in recent
            years in many European countries – Austria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany,
            Georgia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, they revive the cornel culture.
                  At present, the C. mas culture has been revived in Ukraine. Farmers' and private gardens
            are being laid, and we hope that industrial gardens will also be created.

             Keywords: Cornus mas, cultivars, selection analytical, synthetic, State Register.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |77
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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