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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                           Elena Kuznetsova , Gyunesh Nasrullaeva , Elena Kuznetsova
                          1 Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russian Federation;
                                  2 Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku, Azerbaijan
                  Recently, people have become more and more interested in natural and organic foods. In
             this regard, the older wheat varieties Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum and Triticum
             spelta have been discovered for use in food technology. The nutritional value of the grain of
             Triticum dicoccum is mainly due to the high protein content (18–23 %), the total proportion of
             essential  amino  acids  in  the  protein  and  the  high  degree  of  digestibility  of  the  protein
             compounds. An increased concentration of antioxidants has been found in the grain of Triticum
             dicoccum.  Grain  starch  is  mainly  represented  by  persistent  fractions,  resulting  in  slower
             absorption of carbohydrates. Non-digestible resistant starch is one of the factors that increase
             the functionality of food products. The low glycemic index makes the grain of Triticum dicoccum
             particularly valuable for diabetic nutrition. However, Triticum dicoccum grain has been found
             to have lower β-carotene values than traditional wheat varieties. A higher concentration of
             phytic  acid  has  been  found  in  the  grain  of  Triticum  dicoccum  compared  to  traditional  raw
             materials in the bakery industry.
                  The work aims to develop a technology from whole unshelled wheat and spelt grains
             growing on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
                  In bread-baking technology, a dry complex enzymatic preparation was used, including
             cellulase,  β-glucanase  and  xylanase  (produced  by  Penicillium  canescens).  To  increase  the
             microbiological safety of the grain, extract Thymus serpyllum L. was prepared using a succinic
             acid buffer at pH 4.6 and an enzyme preparation was dissolved in this extract.  Theoretically
             sound and experimentally related rational doses of the enzyme preparation. The grain of the
             wheat and spelt were kept in the extract for 8 hours, then dispersed and the bread was prepared
             by the straight dough method.
                  Using  a  scanning  electron  microscope,  data  were  obtained  on  the  changes  of  the
             morphology and microstructure of wheat and spelt under the action of enzyme preparation.
             The use of succinic acid in the buffer composition accelerates the hydrolysis process of the
                  The sensitivity of test microorganism cultures of strains typical of Bacillus, Lactobacillus,
             Micrococcus,  Penicillium,  Aspergillus,  Mucor,  Rhizopus  to  the  action  of  a  succinic  acid-based
             buffer solution and Thymus serpyllum L. is extracted. A solution based on succinic acid of pH 4.6
             inhibits the development of microorganisms typical of cereal microflora. The diameter of the
             growth inhibition zone of the cultures to be tested in the experiment was determined to vary
             from 8.0 to 14.5 mm.
                  The physicochemical and sensory characteristics of grain bread developed, its antioxidant
             and  antimicrobial  activity  were  studied.  The  developed  bread  had  quality  indicators
             comparable  to  the  control  variant  prepared  according  to  GOST  25832,  had  an  antioxidant
             activity of 25.5 % inhibition of the DPPH radical.
                  Conducted research indicators on the nutritional value and safety of bread made from
             wheat and spelt. It is established that the essential amino acid content increases by 7.9 % in
             vitamins – by 43.2 %, in mineral substances – by 22.1 % compared to control.
                  The crafted bread can replenish the range of specific dietary products.
            Keywords: technology, grain bread, spelt, properties.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |87
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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