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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                            DIFFERENT SUCROSE CONTENT

                                        Taisa Bohdanovych, Nadiia Matvieieva
             Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
                                        Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Artemisia vulgaris L. and Cichorium intybus L. are herbaceous plants used for centuries in
             traditional  medicine  and  known  for  their  antioxidant,  hepatoprotective,  antispasmolytic,
             antibacterial, and antifungal effects. A. vulgaris was even called “the mother of herbs” for its
             wide  use,  and  C.  intybus  is  a  dietary  supplement,  coffee  substitute,  and  sweetener.  Those
             properties are caused by the high content of bioactive secondary metabolites. To increase their
             production  in  the  plant,  cocultivation  with  Agrobacterium  rhizogenes  bacteria  is  used.  This
             process  leads  to  the  formation  of  “hairy”  roots  with  altered  metabolism  and  thus  boosted
             production of bioactive substances.
                  The study aimed to investigate technological parameters of in vitro growth of “hairy” root
             cultures in a liquid half-strength MS medium with different content of sucrose (20 and 40 g/l),
             and  also  the  analysis  of  the  accumulation  of  flavonoids  with  antioxidant  properties.
             Determination of root mass gain overtime was done by direct weighing, after which extracts of
             roots (in 70 % ethanol) were prepared and analyzed for flavonoid content by the standard
             method with aluminum chloride.
                  The results of the study showed that the mass gain after 3 weeks of cultivation for A.
             vulgaris was higher when cultivating in the liquid medium with 40 g/L of sucrose comparing to
             20 g/L: 1.24 ±0.16 g comparing to 0.47 ±0.03 g. A similar effect was obtained in the case of C.
             intybus cultivation: 24.34 ±2.88 g comparing to 20.40 ±2.71 g. The coefficient of the mass gain
             (ratio of m2 to m0) for A. vulgaris was 4.98 (40 g/L of sucrose) and 2.11 (20 g/L of sucrose) and
             for C. intybus correspondingly 52.54 and 40.22. Flavonoid content in the ethanol extract of A.
             vulgaris after cultivation was 1.51 ±0.28 mg RE/g FW (20 g/L of sucrose). The total content of
             flavonoids for the absolute mass increase was 1.36 mg RE/Δm (20 g/L of sucrose). The output
             of flavonoids synthesis (how much flavonoids can be obtained from 1 g of initial mass) thus was
             3.16 mg RE. In the case of C. intybus, flavonoid content in the ethanol extract after cultivation
             was 1.07 ±0.24 mg RE/g FW (40 g/L of sucrose) and 0.65 ±0.14 mg RE/g FW (20 g/L of sucrose).
             The total content of flavonoids for the absolute mass increase was 26.47 mg RE/Δm (40 g/L of
             sucrose) and 13.51 mg RE/Δm (20 g/L of sucrose). The output of flavonoids synthesis thus was
             56.32 mg RE and 26.47 mg RE correspondingly. As it is seen from the data, flavonoid content
             per 1 g of fresh weight is slightly higher for A. vulgaris, but the mass growth rate is considerably
             higher for C. intybus, which results in a much bigger output of secondary metabolites over time.
             However, both species showed similarity in the growth rate increased with higher content of
             sucrose  in  medium,  which  concludes  that  the  most  efficient  cultivation  of  "hairy"  roots  of
             common mugwort and chicory in terms of product output is with the content of sucrose 40 g/L.

             Keywords: “hairy” roots, Artemisia vulgaris, Cichorium intybus, technological parameters, flavonoids.
             Acknowledgments. This research was financially supported by the National Academy of Sciences of
             Ukraine, grant No. 34 (II-2-21).

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |26
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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