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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                         Irina Bukharina, Nadezhda Islamova

                      Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation; E-mail.:
                  Soil pollution with heavy metals (HM) changes the composition and nature of the life of
             microbial  communities,  disrupts  metabolism  and  reduces  the  growth  and  reproduction  of
             plants. Hence, the issue of restoring disturbed lands becomes relevant, and phytoremediation
             is the most promising in this regard. However, the efficiency of phytoremediation is largely
             increased due to the  interaction of plants  with microorganisms that are beneficial to  them
             (especially  endophytes),  which  allow  them  to  change  the  absorption,  mobility  and
             bioavailability of metal ions. It is known that some endophytic fungi isolated in media with an
             increased HM content have increased metal resistance and are able to increase the resistance
             to metals of host plants.
                   Purpose: to study the endurance limits of endophytic fungi isolated from the root system
             of woody plants growing in conditions of technogenic pollution to the action of copper and
                   The endophytic fungus Fusarium equiseti isolated from the root system of tree plantations
             growing on the territory of the sanitary protection zone of the "Izhstal" industrial enterprise,
             which is one of the main pollutants in the city of Izhevsk (the Udmurt Republic), was chosen as
             the object of the study. F. equiseti is a naturally occurring root endophyte that is cosmopolitan
             and has the ability to colonize the roots of non-host plants. The fungus has been long considered
             pathogenic, but has recently attracted attention for its ability to acts as a biocontroller in the
             fight  against  root  pathogens.  The  species  of  the  fungus  was  established  by  molecular  DNA
             analysis in the laboratory of the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (Berlin).
             The mushrooms were cultivated on an agar medium consisting of dextrose broth, agar-agar and
             distilled water, with the addition of different concentrations of copper and chromium: Cu – 50;
             100; 150 mg/l; Cr – 2.5; 5; 10 mg/l. There was also a test case. The diameter of the colonies of
             filamentous fungi and their growth rate were measured. The peculiarities of the response of
             fungi to stress conditions were assessed by the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a
             product of lipid oxidation. The content of MDA was estimated by the degree of accumulation of
             the product of its reaction with thiobarbituric acid (TBA), determining the optical density of the
             solution on a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 532 nm.
                  The chromium content in the medium influenced the growth of F. equiseti. The mushroom
             showed great resistance to copper. The diameter of its colony in the variants Cu 50 and Cu 100
             mg/l exceeded the values of the control. Nevertheless, at all studied concentrations of metals,
             the growth of the fungus continued.
                  The MDA content in many variants significantly exceeded the control values. However,
             when F. equiseti was grown on a substrate with chromium, the excess of MDA content was not
             as significant as when copper was applied.
                  Fusarium equiseti has a high metal resistance to chromium and copper. The synthesis of
             MDA and an increase in its concentration in the mycelium of the fungus is a response to an
             increase in the concentration of HM ions in the substrate. These results also show the possibility
             of using F. equiseti endophyte in bioremediation technologies for soils contaminated with HM
            Keywords: metal resistance, endophytes, micromycetes, resistance, inoculation.
            This work was supported by the RFBR grant "Postgraduates" № 19-316-90003.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |29
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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