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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                   TRACE ELEMENTS
                                  Iryna Andrusyshyna, Inna  Golub, Olena Lampeka
                          SI “Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine;
                  Today, the majority of scientific researchers believe that it is impossible to address the
            microelementosis problem through correct diet only, so it is extremely timely today to identify
            a safe and reliable source of minerals for the human body. In many countries all over the world,
            targeted micronutrients have already been used for many years, and special programs have
            been launched to develop functional foods. The monitoring of modern human nutrition profile
            indicates a chronic deficiency in essential food components. At the International Conference on
            Nutrition held in Rome in 1992, micronutrient deficiencies were recognized as a major problem
            that could lead to a crisis in the nutrition of the world's population in the XXI century. Therefore,
            a  person's  diet  must  meet  his/her  physiological  needs  for  nutrients  and  biologically  active
            substances,  micronutrients.  Biologically  active  supplements  (dietary  supplements)  became
            available  in  Ukraine  about  ten  years  ago.  Currently,  more  than  200  companies  producing
            biologically active supplements offer their products to the population of Ukraine.
                  The  main  components  of  dietary  supplements  include  herbal  extracts,  bee  products,
            minerals  (colloidal  metal  solutions),  fermentation  products,  and,  in  recent  years,
            nanotechnology  products.  In  some  cases,  dietary  supplements  can  play  the  role  of  natural
                  In the SI "Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Medical
            Sciences", the methods for the prevention of heavy metal poisoning have been a research topic
            for many years. The Institute has been successfully cooperating with international health and
            safety organizations (WHO) and with labor organizations (ILO) and has been participating in
            the  projects  run  by  the  International  Chemical  Safety  Program  (UNEP  Chemicals,  UN).  An
            internationally acknowledged experience  has been  acquired not  only in the  comprehensive
            assessment  of  working  conditions  in  various  production  fields  (industrial  production,
            agriculture, etc.) but also in the prevention of occupational and environmental diseases, chronic
            and acute poisoning. The search for new preventive methods is continued.
                  Based on the above mentioned, it appeared relevant to assess the possibility for safe use
            of pectins and bee products (honey, bee bread, and pollen) in this context. In order to determine
            the content of 13 chemical elements in the samples of such products, a microwave method for
            sample  mineralization  and  a  method  for  multi-elemental  analysis,  namely  optical  emission
            spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma on PerkinElmer OPTIMA 2100 DV, were applied.
            Our researches on elemental content in pectins and bee pollen resulted in the following findings.
            High levels of Zn (34.49 μg/g), Fe (398.5 μg/g), and Mg (1.49 mg/g) in pectins make it possible
            to use them as sorbents or immunomodulating agents. High levels of Ag (1.15 μg/g), Cu (7.50
            μg/g),  Se  (0.61  μg/g),  and  Zn  (46.41  μg/g)  in  bee  pollen  may  be  useful  for  people  with
            inflammatory diseases and immune system disorders.
                  Thus,  modern  dietary  supplements  are  safe  since  they  do  not  produce  any  toxic,
            carcinogenic, mutagenic, or other adverse effects on the human body when they are consumed
            in  generally  approved  reasonable  amounts.  Their  safety  is  warranted  by  established  and
            observed standard levels of related chemical substances in these products. Tangible success in
            problem solutions responding to dietary micronutrient deficiency in the general population
            relies  on  the  implementation  of  and  search  for  new  methods  for  correcting  micronutrient
            imbalance in the human body.

             Keywords: occupational risk, trace elements, micronutrients.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |22
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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