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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                         Oleksandra Aboimova, Volodymyr Levon

                      M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                     Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:

                  The introduction of nut plants in Ukraine began with Juglans regia L., which is one of the
            oldest fruit plants. It has been grown here since the times of Kievan Rus. J. regia f. fertillis L. f.
            fertillis Petzet Kirch. introduced to Ukraine in the 50s of the last century from Uzbekistan. J.
            nigra has more than two centuries of cultivation history. It was first introduced into the planting
            of the Krasnokutsky Arboretum in 1809, from where it spread by seeds throughout Ukraine and
            far beyond its borders. J. microcarpa Berland. and J. major Torr., introduced to Ukraine in the
            30s of the last century from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. East Asian species of the genus
            Juglans  (J.  ailanthifolia  Carr.,  J.  mandshurica  Maxim.  and  the  variety  J.  ailanthifolia  var.
            cordiformis  Maх.)  were  introduced  to  Ukraine  with  the  beginning  of  the  development  of
            introduction studies in botanical gardens at the end of the 19th century. J. regia and J. regia f.
            fertillis are cultivated in more than 60 countries around the world, mainly the United States,
            Asian  and  European  countries,  including  Ukraine.  The  modern  centers  of  cultivation  and
            distribution of J. nigra are the USA, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Transcaucasia.
                  J. cinerea is cultivated in the USA, Europe, Russia, and Ukraine. Plants of J. microcarpa and
            J. major are common in the USA and in European and Asian countries they have been cultivated
            since the second half of the XIX century, as ornamental trees with an original crown. East Asian
            species of the genus Juglans (J. mandshurica, J. ailanthifolia, J. ailanthifolia var. cordiformis) is
            used in the food industry, medicine, and landscaping.
                  Different parts of Juglans plants such as leaves, bark, fruits, and roots are used in medicine,
            pharmacology, and the food industry. Raw materials of Juglans species contain various chemical
            components,  including  juglone,  diarylheptanoids,  quinones,  polyphenols,  flavones,  and
                  J.  regia is  one  of the  oldest fruit  plants in Ukraine. The  nutritional  value of the  fruits,
            favorable natural conditions, ease of tree care, and increased demand for them contributed to
            the spread of the J. regia culture first in the Western and South-Western regions of the country
            (XII-XIX centuries), and later – in the Central and South-Eastern (XX century). In Ukraine and
            the  world,  J.  regia  cultivars  are  in  great  demand,  their  number  is  constantly  increasing.
            However, J. regia began to acquire industrial significance in Ukraine only from the 19th century.
            Now Ukraine ranks first among European countries in the production of J. regia fruits, for the
            period 1992–2018. Although the high demand and export potential for J. regia fruits contribute
            to the development of varietal culture and new commercial plantings, the mass reproduction of
            new cultivars and their laying of industrial plantations in areas where these varieties have not
            been previously tested sometimes leads to the freezing of plantings, and their owners often
            experience significant material damage due to ignorance. The cultivars J. nigra, J. cinerea, J.
            ailantifolia var. cordiformis are in great demand in the world.
                  Thus,  the  species  of  the  genus  Juglans  can  be  widely  used  in  medicine  and  the  food
            industry in Ukraine. Also, many-years investigations with different species and genotypes of
            these plants showed that Ukrainian conditions are good for deep selective work for further use
            in different branches of agriculture.
            Keywords: Juglans, fruit crops, industrial plantations, ornamental trees.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |21
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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