Page 29 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                 Valeriy Brovarskiy , Jan Brindza , Avazbek Turdaliev , Gulhae Mirzakhmedova ,
                                                  Aleksandr Velichko
                   1 National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
                                2 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic
                                       3 Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan
                  Due  to the  rise in ambient temperature, it  is important to  conduct  researches on  the
             interconnection between the plant diversity of ecosystems and their pollinators – the honey
             bees. The purpose of our researches was related to the adaptability of bees to high ambient
             temperatures. The task of the research was to investigate the effect of high temperatures on the
             secretion of nectar by plants in various ecosystems; as well as to analyze the ethology of bees
             under the influence of various ambient temperatures.
                  The areas with entomophilous agricultural and wild plants were defined near the apiary.
             Over the period of three years, the timing of flowering of plants was recorded. During the heat
             period, the activity of bees visiting flowers was recorded from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with an interval
             of 2 hours. The photo-fixation of the ethology of bees in the zone of hive entrance block was
             carried out at ambient temperatures from 24 °C and above.
                  It has been found that Aesculus hippocastanum, Robinia pseudoacacia, Tilia cordata bloom
             7–15 days earlier than usual. This is due to warm winters and lack of soil freezing that leads to
             the simultaneous vegetation of plants with different root systems.
                  The bees worked in the field with different intensities depending on the type of plant, the
             duration  of  the  drought  and  at  different  ambient  temperatures.  The  moisture-loving  plant
             species stopped secreting nectar at temperatures from 24 to 30 °C. Forbs (weeds) produced
             nectar even at 35–38 °C of heat.
                  It is confirmed that in the heat, when nectar is excreted, the bees work in the field. With
             the termination of its excretion, the bees interrupted their flight activity. Upon returning to the
             nests,  the  number  of  bees  on  the  combs  increased  significantly,  which  contributed  to  an
             increase in temperature. The increase in the air temperature of the nest forces the family to
             stabilize the microclimate by ventilation, bee bearding and water evaporation.
                  The bees carry out ventilation of the nest until the ambient temperature does not exceed
             35 °С. As the temperature rises, some of the bees leave the nest and concentrate on the external
             structures of the hive. With a further increase in temperature, the bees cover the entrance holes
             with their bodies, preventing the penetration of hot air into the nest.
                  Global warming is negatively affecting plants and bees. It has been found that at high
             ambient temperatures, the vegetation of plants is disturbed, the timing of their flowering is
             shifted,  the  flight  activity  of  bees  decreases,  which  endangers  the  preservation  of
             entomophilous vegetation and pollinator insects.

             Keywords: global warming, temperature, plants, bees, ethology.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |28
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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