Page 26 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                       Anastasiia Bilko, Leonora Adamchuk

                     National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;

                  The flora of our planet is very diverse and unique. Plants have been studied, described,
             and  recorded  as  species  gradually.  Subsequently,  mankind  has  learned  to  use  plants  for
             medicinal, traditions, and nutritional purposes. Thus, plants have assumed an important role in
             human life. With the development of technology and the chemical industry, this trend has lost
             its relevance. This has led to a reduction in the number of plants used by humans, which may
             later lead to the extinction of some species, the disruption of biocoenosis, and, consequently, to
             greater environmental problems. Today many plants are forgotten or little-known and that is
             important for the national economy and the maintenance of human health.
                  The goal was to highlight the rarely used, forgotten plant species that played an important
             role in the lives of people in some regions of Ukraine.
                  Among the rarely used plants of the Ukrainian Carpathians were the following species:
             elder-flowered  orchid  (Dactylorhiza  sambucina  (L.)  Soó);  creeping  buttercup  (Ranunculus
             repens  L.);  common  nettle  (Urtіca  dіoіca  L.);  yarrow  (Achillea  millefolium  L.);  chamomile
             (Matrіcarіa chamomіlla L.) and others. In books on traditional medicine from the 40–50s of the
             last century, these plants were used by women in domestic life for skincare, infant bathing, and
             supplementing to drinks or meals.
                  Among the forgotten species of plants that were previously used in Slobozhanshchyna
             include rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.); common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale L.); perforate
             St  John’s-wort  (Hyperіcum  perforatum  L.);  three-part  beggarticks  (Bіdens  trіpartіta  L.);
             broadleaf plantain (Plantago major L.); southern globe thistle (Echinops ritro L.); coleus (Coleus
             decurrens L.); cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) and others.
                  Most of these plants were previously used intensively for traditional medicine, food, and
             domestic  purposes. They  treated  many  illnesses,  including  gastrointestinal  inflammation,
             neurosis, common cold, and gynecological disorders, and they were used as wound-healing and
             bactericidal agents. With the development of the pharmaceutical, textile, and food industries,
             these plants have become less popular, and their numbers have fallen sharply.
                  Honeysuckle and shadbush were among the little-known plants of the Forest-steppe, as
             they are less and less used as fruit plants. Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is a small
             shrub  that  fruits  in  the  form  of  small,  oblong  blueberries. The  berries  have  many
             microelements, vitamin A and C, fructose, and glucose. Also, tinctures of flowers, bark, and
             leaves  have  such  useful  effects  on  the  human  organism:  choleretic,  diuretic,  antioxidant;
             antiphlogistic; antipyretic actions. Juneberry (Amelanchier lamarckii L.) is a large shrub or a
             fruit tree. It is used as a medicinal, fruit, and ornamental plant. Juneberry berries contain iron,
             vitamins C and E, calcium, magnesium. They can be consumed, both raw and made as jam.
                  By neglecting the plant species that were previously used, we lose the traditions, values,
             and knowledge of our ancestors. Therefore, the flora of our planet should be explored, stored,
             and restored, and the knowledge should be imparted to the descendants.
             Keywords: little-known species, forgotten species, traditional medicine.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |25
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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