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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                       CENTRAL FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE
             Yeuheniia Tkach, Tetiana Pylypchuk, Oksana Lobova, Alyona Bunas, Viktoriya Starodub
             Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of
                                      Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  Today, more than 25 % of Ukraine's agricultural land is contaminated with pesticides,
             radionuclides, and inorganic toxicants. There is also a loss of soil fertility in more than 50 % of
             the territory. In most cases, this situation leads to a shortage of yields of major crops to 50–60
             %, while deteriorating product quality.
                  Many  Ukrainian  scientists  have  studied  and  solved  the  issue  of  environmental
             assessment, in particular, N.A. Makarenko, E.G. Degodyuk, A.I. Fateev, V.I. Kisil, etc.
                  For research, we selected the following areas in the regions of Kyiv (village Makariv),
             Kirovohrad     (village   Danylova    Balka),    Cherkasy    (village   Sobkivka),    Vinnytsia
             (village Tsybulivka), Odesa (village Bobryk Druhyi).
                  Ecological assessment of winter wheat growing technologies was carried out in the farms
             of the studied areas. The sown area of plots was – from 10 to 50 hectares, accounting for 10 m
             in 5 repetitions.
                  To  conduct  an  ecological  assessment  of  winter  wheat  cultivation  technologies,  the
             following indicators were studied: soil fertility. Ecological assessment of soil fertility shows,
             however, that the studied technologies for growing winter wheat in the studied areas using
             fertilizers  and  plant  protection  products  are  generally  satisfactory,  and  the  proposed
             technological methods of crops growing need improvement; phytosanitary condition: crops of
             winter wheat in the ecological assessment of technologies on phytosanitary indicators had an
             unsatisfactory (1 point) and satisfactory (2 points) condition. In all studied wheat agrocenoses,
             the economical threshold of weed (ETW), pest, and disease harmfulness exceeded the norm.
             The  overall  score  was  satisfactory  (1.7  points)  in  farms  of  the  Cherkasy  region,  and
             unsatisfactory in other researched farms (0.7–1.3 points).
                  The quality and safety of crop products took into account biometric indicators and yield
                  Indicators of productivity and quality of winter wheat as a result of research have the
             second class – satisfactory. At the same time, in almost all studied farms the yield is normal (2-
             3  points),  the  yield  varies  from  30  to  42.1  c/ha.  At  the  same  time,  quality
             indicators  –  protein  and  gluten  content  correspond  to  unsatisfactory  and  satisfactory
                  Thus, the  ecological  assessment  of technologies  for growing winter wheat on  a  set  of
             indicators makes it possible to objectively assess individual technological processes, identify
             imperfect technological operations and develop measures to improve them. This guarantees
             the introduction into production of only those cultivation technologies that will ensure the
             production of a high-quality grain of winter wheat following international requirements and

            Keywords: ecological assessment, phytosanitary condition, winter wheat, ETW.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |126
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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