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                  Russian naturalist and thinker Vladimir Vernadsky is the creator of the concept of the
             noosphere  as  part  of  the  biosphere  of  our  planet.  In  this  recognized  concept,  Vernadsky
             respects the  spread of conscious activity of people  on our planet  Earth in interaction  with
             nature  (biosphere).  The  basis  of  these  relationships  is  a  reasonable  approach  as  the  main
             condition for human survival. It connects the purpose of the noosphere in the harmonization of
             relations  between  man  and  nature.  This  relationship  is  already  seriously  disrupted  by  the
             developing technosphere as a complex of technical systems of today's consumer society, which
             is dominated by artificial material means of human activity. This means that society's harmony
             with nature is seriously disturbed. The spirituality of humankind is in decline. Proof of this is
             the growing number of natural disasters in all countries of the world.
                  Nature rebels and proves to humanity that it no longer tolerates such exploitation. The
             idea that the Earth is not just a pile of stones, but a living being has been proved by many
             important thinkers and scientists. But humans and humankind still do not realize it. In fact,
             concerning nature, a human appears as a kind of virus that parasitizes on his body, penetrates
             everywhere, multiplies at an increased speed and spoils it with its waste.
                  But despite the technical and technological sophistication of human civilization, humanity
             is not able to solve many problems. An illustrative example is the coronavirus pandemic, which
             has spread in all countries of the world. The solution to the given problem is dominated by the
             helplessness  of  humankind,  the  scientific  and  medical  community.  Are  we  convinced  that
             repeated vaccinations could stop this threat to humanity?
                  Not only anthroposophical (gr. Anthroposophy – human and wisdom) doctors but also
             quite conventional scientists prove that the disease is only a way to point out to the body a
             spiritual problem that one does not want to solve. In his books "Disease as the Language of the
             Soul"  and  "Disease  like  the  Way",  the  German  physician  Rudiger  Dalke  shows  how  some
             diseases  relate  to  a  person's  mental  state.  Therefore,  doctors  who  develop  old  forms  of
             treatment for people with a new approach at the level of holistic medicine, functional medicine,
             psychosomatic medicine or other new forms of therapy and rehabilitation are successful.
                  In the context of a pandemic, "biophilia" is spreading significantly to humans. The term
             began to be actively used in the late 20  century when the American biologist Edward O. Wilson
             pointed out the consequences of the separation of man and humankind from nature. In his
             publication  in  1984,  Wilson  wrote  that  biophilia  means  "the  innate  emotional  connection
             between humankind and other living organisms." Quarantine, home working and the isolation
             of people during a pandemic in an artificial background without the presence of greenery and
             the  natural environment  have  significantly increased people's environmental  stress and its
             negative  consequences.  A  study  published  last  year  in  the  journal  Nature  shows  how  air
             pollution  and  isolation  from  nature  are  associated  with  a  significant  decline  in  people's
             cognitive abilities and, in addition, contributes to their respiratory, cardiovascular diseases and
             others.  Research  from  the  University  of  Exeter  (EU)  found  that  employees  in  contact  with
             nature  were  15  %  more  productive  and  motivated  than  those  who  worked  in  a  sterile
             background. The report entitled The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace notes
             a  15  %  increase  in  creativity  among  people  working  in  natural  plant  environments;  it  is
             estimated that in a room with an adequate number of plants, the number of bacterial colonies
             will be reduced by 60%; headaches were observed to be reduced by 24% and eye irritation by
             52%. Isolation of people at home for a long time during a pandemic has resulted in a sharp
             upwards of the houseplants purchase in many countries around the world. This trend also
             points to biophilia (
                  Humankind is destroying the biosphere at all levels. Drastic civilizational impacts on the
             environment have left about a million species of animals and plants threatened with extinction.
             This  emerges  from  a  report  by  the  IPBES  Intergovernmental  Science-Policy  Platform  on
             Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (1919). According to the report's authors, about 25% of
             the  planet's  animal  and  plant  species  are  currently  threatened  with  destruction

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |6
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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