Page 6 - Book of Abstracts
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                Welcome to 5 International Scientific Conference        DOI:

             Dear Participants
                  The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, in active cooperation with the M.M.
             Gryshko  National  Botanical  Garden  of  the  National  Academy  of Sciences  of  Ukraine  (Kyiv),
             within the common established AgroBioNet International Network, has already prepared the
             5   International  Conference  entitled  Agrobiodiversity  for  Improving  the  Nutrition,  Health,
             Quality  of  Life  and  Spiritual  Human  Development.  Unfortunately,  due  to  the  unfavourable
             pandemic situation in the world, this conference will take place online.
                  The international conference was prepared by the Organizers in a non-traditional form as
             several interconnected conferences on specific topics. The first conference will take place on
             November 3, 2021. It will be an opening conference with the complex of other conferences.
                  The first – introductory conference aims to open some new current topics, which form an
             important  part  of  the  issue  of  conservation  and  sustainable  use  of  biodiversity  –
             agrobiodiversity and the plant kingdom – by man and humankind. These are topics related to
             the  development  of  humankind  and  the  practical  use  of  the  natural  wealth  of  this  planet.
             Unfortunately, in a relationship – man and humankind – did not understand the very essence
             of the existence of life on this planet. This is reflected in the degradation of biodiversity and
             nature,  however  that  international  organizations  such  as  the  UN,  FAO,  EU  and  national
             governments have adopted many laws and programs to protect biodiversity and nature.
                  For this reason, the organizers orient the focus of the 5th International Conference, in
             addition to solving traditional current problems of conservation and use of agrobiodiversity,
             also on a very specific topic, namely the spiritual development of man, humankind, civilization.
                  Many  conference  participants  may  consider  this  issue  to  be  inappropriate  for  the
             scientific community because the prevailing view is that the issue of spirituality belongs to the
             religious community. But the spiritual development of man does not only mean the relationship
             of man to any religion. The life of man and society is built on the principle of unity of the spiritual
             and material worlds in all areas. The state of energy in a person is manifested through three
             essentially different contents: body (matter), soul and spirit. According to Einstein, the matter
             is condensed energy. And the word "energy" means, like the word "function" – the ability to act.
                  Man cannot dematerialize and exist only as the spiritual essence. The material principle
             forms an important part of the human personality as well as of society. This is evident especially
             nowadays when the material world is experiencing a period of unlimited growth. The current
             standard of living is very high. Humans and humankind have the technique and technology to
             solve many extremely complex problems. But on the contrary, the spiritual principle of man
             and humankind is experiencing a period of the almost total decline.
                  Man's  spirituality  means  his  respect  for  universal  human  values  while  respecting  the
             basic spiritual values of man. The basis of a person's spirituality are his moral qualities and
             values for life, responsibility not only to his partner, children, family, his work, work team, co-
             workers, the law but also to the nature, to all forms of life with respect for the principles of
             ethics. A person's spiritual culture is manifested in his good relations with other people, in his
             upbringing,  behaviour,  helping  people  in  misery,  showing  humanity,  positive  thinking  and
             acting in all his areas of activity without spreading pride, anger, hate, slandering, harassment
             in the family and the workplace.
                  The  moral  character  of  each  working  team,  society  is  determined  by  the  level  of
             spirituality of all its members. This truth has been known since ancient times and has not lost
             its significance today. Spirituality is associated with the development of society. These are two
             interdependent categories. The French philosopher Denis Diderot put it very simply: "A human
             without spirituality cannot be a poet, a philosopher or a thinking man, he simply cannot be a
                  Human  and  humankind,  in  general,  has  so  far  proved  and  demonstrated  admirable
             achievements in various sciences, technologies, but at the same time proved and demonstrated
             all inhuman forms of evil, war, crime, human abuse by modern weapons, organ harvesting, the
             spread of poverty, hunger, devastating nature and other drastic forms.
             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |5
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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