Page 5 - Book of Abstracts
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             Title:  Book  of  Abstracts  of  the  5   International  Scientific  Conference  Agrobiodiversity
                    for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and Spiritual Human Development

             Editor: Ján Brindza
             Managing Editor: Olga Grygorieva
             Associate Editors: Svitlana Klymenko, Olena Vergun, Vladimíra Horčinová Sedláčková

             Reviewers: Tünde Juríková, Alla Kuklina

             Author of e‐environment design, graphic design: Olga Grygorieva, Radovan Ostrovský
             Cover designed: Olga Grygorieva, Marina Kors
             Publication place: Nitra

             Publication date: 2021

             Language: English
             Edition: AgroBioNet

             Publisher: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

             The  publication in electronic form was  approved by the  Rector of the  Slovak University of
             Agriculture in Nitra assoc. Prof. Klaudia Halászová, PhD. on 2  November, 2021 as Proceedings
             of Scientific Abstracts from the International Conference.

             In  the  Book  of  Abstracts,  prepared  with  minor  editing,  corresponding  co-authors  are
             responsible for the accuracy of their submitted abstracts.
             Copyright © 2021 Authors

             Copyright © 2021 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

             This work is published under the license of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
             4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)


             ISBN 978-80-552-2401-5

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