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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                               THYMUS STRIATUS VAHL
                            Liudmyla Svydenko , Natalia Hudz , Liudmyla Hlushchenko
                   1 Institute of Rice of National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine, Skadovsk, Ukraine;
                2 Depertment of Drug Technology and Biopharmaceutics, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical
                                                 University, Lviv, Ukraine
             3 Research Station of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management
                  of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, Berezotocha, Poltava, Ukraine

                  One of the valuable aromatics and medicinal plants of the Thymus L. genus is Thymus
             striatus Vahl. The above-ground part of the plant in the flowering stage and drugs obtained from
             it  exhibited  antibacterial  properties.  The  essential  oil  contains  thymol  and  carvacrol  that
             demonstrated antiseptic and fungicidal properties.
                  This study was aimed to investigate the content of essential oil and its components from
             Thymus striatus cv. Yubileinyi that introduced from Nikitsky Botanical Garden to the Kherson
             region of Ukraine. An investigation was carried out during 2019–2020 on the experimental
             collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of experimental facility “Novokakhovske” of Rice
             Institute  (Kherson  Region).  Mass  fraction  of  essential  oil  determined  by  the  method  of
             hydrodistillation  with  Clevenger  apparatus  from  fresh  plant  raw  material.  Essential  oil
             composition  investigated  on  Agilent  Technology  chromatograph  6890N  with  mass-
             spectrometric detector 5973 N.
                  Th. striatus cv. Yubileinyi evergreen plants that in Steppe zone conditions of South of
             Ukraine formed large, compact shrub with a height of 30–35 cm and diameter of 70–75 cm.
             Flower shoots rounded-rhomboid, pubescent. Leaves oblong-rhomboid with a length of 5–6
             mm, the weight of 3–3.5 mm, tapering to base, well-defined petioles, cobweb-pubescent. Leaf
             edges wrapped on the underside. Corolla from lavender to white color. These plants complete
             the full development cycle in conditions of the Kherson region, bloom and fruit abundantly. Full
             blooming was observed at the end of May – the start of June. During the investigation period
             plants didn’t damage by pests and were not affected by diseases. The harvest of flower raw of
             Th. striatus cv. Yubileinyi (plants of 3  year of growing) varied from 170 to 670 g, from one
             shrub. Mass fraction of essential oil was from 0.25 to 0.45 % FW or from 0.95 to 1.69 % DW. In
             essential  oil,  obtained  from  plants  growing  in  an  experimental  facility  “Novokakhovske”,
             identified 21 components. Basic components are thymol (57.27 %), para-cymene (10.18 %), γ-
             terpinene 11.87 %, trans-sabinenhydrat 11.87 %.
                  Thus, Th. striatus cv. Yubileinyi can be perspective aromatic and essential oil plants in the
             Kherson region. Obtained results can be used for further investigation on different biological
             peculiarities of these plants for wide use.

            Keywords: Thymus striatus, cultivar, essential oil.
            This  study  was  supported  by  the  active  participation  of  researches  by  the  international  network
            AgroBioNet, Visegrad Fund, Bilateral Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and
            Sport, and National Scholarship Programme of Slovak Republic.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |120
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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