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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                  MEDICAL AND COSMETIC PURPOSES IN UKRAINE
                       Sofia Suberliak, Yustyna Tepla, Olena Fedorova, Viktoriia Havryliak,
                                      Volodymyr Skorochoda, Romana Petrina
                    Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine; E-mail.:

                  Medicinal plants biomass and its extracts are used in the creation of pharmaceuticals,
             cosmetics,  and  hygiene  products.  The  15,000  plant  species  from  about  70,000,  are  rare,
             according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN.  Much attention is now
             paid to the protection of biodiversity, as this is one of the goals of The European green deal,
             presented  in  Brussels  in  2019.  As  plants  play  an  important  role  in  ecosystems,  so  their
             unrestricted use leads to the destruction of populations and individual plant species. One of the
             goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, approved by the UN General Assembly in 2015, is to
             stop the loss of biodiversity and to ensure the protection and prevention from extinction the
             endangered species. Also on the initiative of the UN General Assembly, 2020, the International
             Year of Plant Health was declared. Therefore, obtaining plant biomass by alternative methods
             is an extremely relevant topic today in Ukraine.
                  Among the innovative biotechnological approaches for plant biodiversity protection, such
              as  tissue  culture  method,  microclonal  propagation,  synthetic  seed  technology,  use  of
              molecular markers, etc., it is proposed to use plant biomass obtained in vitro on the example
              of the Asteraceae family plants – Arnica montana, Carlina acaulis, Carlina alpinus, Calendula
              officinalis.  Some  of  these  plants  are  cultivated  in  botanical  gardens,  research  stations,
              arboretums. Some plant species are protected internationally and are listed in the European
              Red List.
                  Plant seeds were germinated in vitro in Murasige-Skuga (MS) medium without growth
             regulators. 30% hydrogen peroxide and 70 % ethanol were used for sterilization. The obtained
             explants were placed into the MS environment with growth regulators and cultivated under
             optimal conditions (temperature, lighting, explant type). As growth regulators β-indolyl acetic
             acid,  α-naphthylacetic  acid,  and  kinetin  were  used.  The  methodology  of  biotechnological
             research is based on the generally accepted classical methods of the culture of isolated cells,
             tissues, and organs of plant research.
                  A  study  of  the  influence  of  nutrient  composition,  lighting,  and  explant  type  on  callus
              biomass growth was performed. Optimal in vitro cultivation conditions for all plants were
              selected and biomass was obtained. The content of some biologically active compounds in
              callus  biomass,  namely,  flavonoids  and  phenolic  compounds,  were  also  studied.  The
              qualitative and quantitative reactions results indicate the presence of these substances, in
              some cases even in greater quantities than in the original plant.
                  Thus, the proposed method of in vitro tissue culture can be used as an alternative to the
             traditional  plant  growth  in  nature  to  preserve  the  biodiversity  of  rare  and  endangered
             medicinal plants of the Ukrainian Carpathian region, as well as to obtain valuable plant biomass
             with biologically active substances.

             Keywords:  callus  biomass,  biotechnology  method,  Arnica  montana,  Carlina  acaulis,  Aster  alpinus,
             Calendula officinalis.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |118
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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