Page 97 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                     PRECOCIOUS PERSIAN WALNUT VARIETIES
                                 Svіtlana Los, Vladislava Shugina, Tetyana Ryzhenko
                  Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G.M. Vysotsky,

                                   Kharkiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  One of the most important characteristics of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars is
             the peculiarities of reproductive development. When creating walnut orchards, it is advisable
             to select the cultivars so that the female flowers blossoming of some of them coincide with the
             time of pollen flight for others. It is believed that protogenic walnut trees are more productive.
                  The  research  aimed  to  determine  the  peculiarities  of  reproductive  development  of
             precocious Persian walnut cultivars obtained by Leonid Shugin.
                  Phenological observations of 27 cultivars were carried out every 7–10 days from May to
             September 2020 and 2021. The studied cultivars are precocious and are represented by hybrids
             of several generations from crosses of Uzbek precocious Kalmykov’s cultivars with local frost-
             resistant precocious forms and Kocherzhenko’s precocious cultivars, as well as with Sadko’s
             lateral  fast-growing  ones.  Reproductive  development  of  female  (♀),  male  (♂)  and  bisexual
             (♀♂) inflorescences was assessed on a 5-point scale. The type of dichogamy and the presence
             of secondary flowering were determined.
                  The analysis of the obtained data showed that half of the examined cultivars (54 %) are
             protogenic,  a  third  (32  %)  are  homogamous  and  only  14  %  are  protandric.  Despite  the
             significant differences in weather conditions in 2020 and 2021, the beginning of flowering of
             both ♀ and ♂ inflorescences in most cultivars was fixed in the late first decade of May. At the
             same time, flowering in cooler conditions in 2021 was several days longer. One week after the
             end  of  the  first  flowering,  the  appearance  of  secondary  inflorescences  was  noted  in  some
             cultivars. Both years in a row, the beginning of secondary flowering occurred in the late third
             decade of May. The number of trees with secondary male flowering was slightly higher than
             with the female one. Secondary flowering was noted for 70.3 % of observed cultivars.
                  10 cultivars are forming secondary bisexual inflorescences (female flowers at the base,
             male  flowers  at  the  top,  and  bisexual  flowers  in  the  middle  part  of  the  inflorescence),  in
             particular the 'Sadko', 'Bomba', 'Bagryany', 'Petliura', 'Turnyk', 'Shukhevych' cultivars. Three
             cultivars form a significant number of such inflorescences throughout the summer, even in
             early  September.  Some  researchers  consider  such  manifestations  to  be  developmental
             abnormalities. On some trees, secondary inflorescences are observed annually, and on others –
             only as an episodic phenomenon. Our research shows that each cultivar is characterized by the
             formation of certain types of inflorescences in certain periods of vegetation, but the intensity of
             their formation varies in different years.
                  Secondary inflorescences are formed on shoot tops from axils buds. We can assume that
             these buds are not dipped dormant until the spring of next year, as is the case with classic
             cultivars,  and  continue  to  develop,  forming  shoots  with  inflorescences.  Their  number  to  a
             certain extent depends on the number of ovaries formed from the first flowering. When the
             number of ovaries is small, secondary flowering is more abundant. Probably the secondary
             flowering is a kind of adaptive mechanism that promotes the formation of fruit yields in adverse
             conditions of the growing season.
                  Thus secondary flowering is a fairly common phenomenon among the Shugin’s walnut
             cultivars. Features of their reproductive biology, in particular the phenomena of secondary
             flowering and precocious, require more detailed study and application in further breeding.

            Keywords: phenology, dichogamy, secondary flowering, precocious.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |96
                                               Spiritual Human Development
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