Page 70 - Book of Abstracts
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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                                (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.)
                       Bogdana Ivanytska, Natalia Didyk, Nadiia Rositska, Natalia Zaimenko
                   M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
                                        Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  The  pepper  (Capsicum  annuum  L.)  is  a  high-yielding  vegetable  plant  grown  in  many
             countries in the world for culinary and medicine.
                  Recently,  the  use  of  natural  growth  stimulants,  which  activate  resistance  of  plants  in
             unfavorable  weather  conditions,  to  increase  the  yield  of  vegetable  crops  is  relevant.  Our
             research was focused on the effect of natural silicon mineral analcite mixed with peat, and the
             culture medium of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. on growth processes and photosynthetic activity of
             sweet pepper plants Capsicum annuum, cv. Bilozerka. This cultivar has broad environmental
             tolerances to weather conditions and phytopathogens but is very sensitive to soil drought. This
             cultivar is also good for long storage and suitable for canning and cooking.
                  Experimental  work  was  carried  out  in  the  Department  of  Allelopathy  M.M.  Gryshko
             National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine in 2020-2021. The pepper plants were grown in
             0.7 L plastic pots filled with soil substrate under laboratory conditions (temperature – 23–29
             °C, humidity – 65–80 %, natural sunlight, soil humidity – 50–80 % of field capacity). We tested
             the effect of the application of (1) culture medium of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. (10 ml); (2)
             mixture of analcite (500 mg) with peat (1.5 g); (3) mixture of the culture medium of Chlorella
             vulgaris with analcite (500 mg) and peat (1.5 g) on the growth and photosynthesis of the pepper
             test  plants.  The  control  treatment  was  without  any  amendments.  The  duration  of  the
             experiment was 6 months. Each treatment has 6 replicates. The length of pepper plants (shoot
             and root) treated with Chlorella was 1.2-fold as much as the one in test plants in control. The
             leaf area of the former was also 1.7-fold as large as that in the control treatment. The test plants
             treated  with  the  mixture  of  peat  and  analcite  have  1.4-fold  higher  root  and  shoot  growth
             characteristics  than  the  test  plants  grown  in  control  The  highest  growth  parameters  were
             observed in plants exposed to the combined application of Chlorella culture medium, analcite,
             and peat: root length was 1.7-fold as high as in control and 1.5-fold as high as in the treatment
             with culture medium of Chlorella alone. There was a noticeable increase in plant stem thickness
             (1.6-fold), the number of leaves, flowers, and fruits per plant. The photosynthetic pigments
             content  (in  particular  the  content  of  chlorophyll  a)  in  the  leaves  was  the  highest  after  the
             combined application of the microalgae with the siliceous mixture. This indicates the intensity
             of growth processes.
                  Thus, the combined application of Chlorella vulgaris, analcite, and peat is promising as an
             effective biostimulant of pepper plants' growth and productivity.

            Keywords: pepper, Capsicum annuum, Chlorella vulgaris, siliceous minerals, analcite, peat.
            This project was performed with the support of priority for the state scientific research and scientific
            and technical (experimental) developments Department of General Biology of the National Academy of
            Sciences of Ukraine.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |69
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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