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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                            PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOUNDS
                                              Raisa Ivanova , Igor Casian
                     1 Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova;
               2 Scientific Centre for Medicines, "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
                                               Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

                  Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. is an evergreen shrub harvested from the wild in China
             and North America for local use as food and medicine. All parts of this plant could be utilized
             that are predetermined by phytochemical constituents. The leaves, the bark of the stem, and
             roots as popular remedy in modern herbalism; the leaves and berries as a source of green,
             violet, and dark blue-purple dyes; flowers are eaten. Mahonia berries are consumed in fresh
             and dried forms in jams, beverages, and confections; oil from seeds is rich in γ-tocotrienol,
             omega-6, and omega-3. However, in the Republic of Moldova, the Mahonia aquifolium is used
             only as an ornamental plant. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to analyze some
             phytochemical  constituents  of  mahonia  berries  and  determine  their  nutritional  value  as
                  The frozen berries were homogenized with a 70 % hydroalcoholic solution in a ratio of
             1:2, centrifuged, and filtered through a paper filter. The total phenolic content was determined
             by the Folin-Chocalteu procedure. The individual phenolic constituents were analyzed by the
             HPLC  method  using  a  DAD  detector  in  the  range  of  200–600 nm.  Standard  substances  are
             detected  at  the  following  wavelengths:  280 nm  –  gallic  acid  and  (+) catechin;  328 nm  –
             chlorogenic acid; 360 nm – rutin, 528 nm – cyanidin chloride. The radical scavenging activity
             (RSA) was a taste in vitro by a potentiometric method using 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane)
             dihydrochloride  as  a  generator  of  free  peroxyl  radicals.  The  RSA  evaluation  of  standard
             substances was carried out according to the concentration values, which scavenged 50 % of free
             radicals  (IC50,  mg/L).  The  RSA  of  berries  extracts  was  expressed  as  vitamin  C  equivalent
             antioxidant capacity (VCEAC, µMol/g).
                  Mahonia  berries  extracts  contained  in  dry  residue  3.55–5.39  %  of  polyphenolic
             substances, which predetermined their RSA. Experimentally, a significant direct correlation
             was found between the total phenolic content and RSA of tested berries extracts; Pearson's
             coefficient of correlation was equal to 0.8723. VCEAC indexes of Mahonia berries extracts varied
             in  limits  from  36.07  to  70.52  µMol/g  of  dry  residue.  The  content  (mg/L)  of  individual
             constituents in extracts of Mahonia berries can be shown as follows: chlorogenic acid (203.0) ˃
             anthocyanins, recalculated by cyanidin chloride (190.5) ˃ rutin (168.0) ˃ quercetin (47.1) ˃
             catechin (17.5) ˃ hydroxycinnamic acids (17.0) ˃ derivatives of gallic acid (8.35).
                  Putting  forward  the  hypothesis  that  individual  constituents  of  the  extracts,  such  as
             chlorogenic acid or cyanidin chloride, have the same RSA in the extract composition as in their
             pure form, we tried to evaluate the contribution of each constituent to the RSA of extracts. It
             was  determined  that  the  standard  substances  scavenged  50  %  of  free  radicals  at  the
             concentrations: gallic acid  –  6.88  ±0.48 mg/L, quercetin  –  13.66  ±0.33 mg/L, (+) catechin  –
             14.18 ±0.76 mg/L, cyanidin chloride – 23.83 ±1.04 mg/L, chlorogenic acid – 23.88 ±0.48 mg/L,
             rutin  –  118.45  ±2.97 mg/L.  The  most  important  antioxidants  in  Mahonia  berries  were
             chlorogenic acid and anthocyanins, their contribution to the total RSA of extracts was 34.67 and
             32.60 %, respectively. Thus, Mahonia berries can be consumed as a functional food due to the
             high content of antioxidant constituents, especially anthocyanins, which are also natural dyes.

            Keywords: Mahonia aquifolium, berry, extract, phenolic constituent, antioxidant activity.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |67
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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