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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                              CULTIVARS OF LYCIUM SPP.
                                Mykhailo Zhurba, Antonina Ilyinska, Ivan Gurnenko
                    M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                      Kyiv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  The stomata are sensitive to changes in ecological factors of the environment, which is
            especially important with modern climate change. In current  introduction studies, stomatal
            morphometric markers are widely used to determine the adaptiveness of forms and cultivars
            of different plant species.
                  We  studied  the  size  of  stomata,  the  density  of  their  distribution,  as  well  as  the
            amphistomatic index of the leaves in 13 cultivars and varieties of Lycium barbarum L. (LB01,
            LB02,  LB03),  L.  chinense  Mill.  (Amber  Sweet,  Delikat,  Q1,  Tybet,  Sweet  Lifeberry)  and  L.
            truncatum Y.C.Wang (LT01, N1 Lifeberry, Korean Big, New Big, Super Sweet), introduced in the
            M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
                  The leaf surface was analyzed using a PEMMA-102 (SELMI) scanning electron microscope.
            Fragments of leaf blades were dried, sprayed with copper, and the number of stomata per unit
            area of the leaf was counted. The morphological types of stomata were determined according
            to  the  classification  of  Baranova  (1985),  the  size  of  the  stomata  was  determined  using  the
            AxioVision 4.8.2 software. The amphistomatic index of the leaves and the stomatal ratio were
            determined according to Muir, 2018.
                  All studied cultivars and forms Lycium spp. have amphistomatic leaves. The stomata are
            of  the  anomocytic  type.  The  upper  epidermis  has  fewer  stomata  compared  to  the  lower.
            Biometric  analysis  showed  that  there  are  significant  differences  in  the  number  and  size  of
            stomata in the studied plants. The dimensions of the stomata in the adaxial epidermis are from
            23.37 to 33.57 μm in length and from 11.82 to 21.93 μm in width. The stomata of the abaxial
            epidermis are generally somewhat larger, ranging in width from 25.16 to 32.11 µm and from
            12.21 to 21.41 µm, respectively. The density of stomata on leaves varied significantly between
            Lycium species. Their number per mm  for the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf blade is
            78.72–80.72 and 238.58–241.75 for L. barbarum, 12.15–26.07 and 98.09–123.69 for L. chinense,
            52.95–78.12  and  79.86–105.90  for  L.  truncatum,  respectively.  The  amphistomatic  index  of
            Lycium leaves is L.  barbarum 0.24–0.25; L. chinense 0.11–0.17; L. truncatum 0.34–0.45. The
            stomatal ratio is: in L. barbarum – 0.33; in L. chinense – from 0.12 to 0.36; in L. truncatum – from
            0.53 to 0.84.
                  According to the results of the study, the most adapted to the climatic conditions of the
            forest-steppe and deserve further selection research are the cultivars N1 Lifeberry, Korean Big,
            New Big, Super Sweet of the species L. truncatum.

            Keywords: Lycium spp., cultivars, varieties, leaves, stomata, biometric analysis.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |154
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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