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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                  ACCUMULATION DYNAMICS IN LIQUORICE ROOTS
                                Ekaterina Rodionova, Maria Grushko, Nuria Kanieva
               Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation; E-mail.:

                  Liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) is one of the oldest medicinal plants that have not lost
             their relevance to this day.
                  Liquorice root contains substances belonging to various classes of chemical compounds,
             the  most  pharmacologically  valuable  of  them  are  triterpene  and  flavonoid  substances.  The
             greatest interest among triterpene compounds of Liquorice root is given to glycyrrhizic acid. It
             is known that natural conditions have a direct impact on the dynamics of the accumulation of
             biologically active substances in medicinal plants.
                  This work aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the biochemical composition of
             Liquorice from different districts of the Astrakhan region. One more aim is to establish the
             influence of soil characteristics on the dynamics of glycyrrhizic acid accumulation in plant roots.
                  The object of the study is the roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra and soil samples from different
             districts  of  the  Astrakhan  region  which  were  taken  at  the  end  of  the  growing  season  in
             September  and  October  of  2019.  Determination  of  the  content  of  glycyrrhizic  acid  in  the
             selected samples  was  carried out  using a  liquid chromatograph  an Agilent 1220 Infinity LC
             System. Besides the content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, copper, manganese) in samples of
             these Liquorice roots was determined by the atomic absorption method for toxic elements
             determination. Some soil sample (samples were taken in the previously mentioned districts of
             the  Astrakhan  region)  characteristics  such  as  the  content  of  organic  matter,  acidity,  the
             concentration of chloride ions, bicarbonate ions, sulfate ions, mass fractions of the same metals
             (lead, cadmium, copper, manganese) were determined. The samples of plant roots were tested
             on the same criteria.
                  The results of determining the glycyrrhizic acid content in the Liquorice roots samples
             taken  from  various  regions  of  the  Astrakhan  region,  namely,  Kharabalinsky  (Kharabali),
             Kamyzyak (Samosdelka), Krasnoyarsk (Lanchug) and Astrakhan (Leninsky district) showed
             that the glycyrrhizic acid content varies from 1.68 to 4.41 %. The highest rate of glycyrrhizic
             acid is noted for plants sampled in the Kharabalinsky region (Kharabali town) – 4.41 %.
                  During the biochemical tests, a positive correlation was found between the content of
             glycyrrhizic acid and such soil characteristics as the content of organic matter (r = 0.6), acidity
             (r = 0.3), mass fraction of bicarbonate ions (r = 0.5).
                  Manganese,  cadmium,  lead  and  copper  were  found  in  the  soils  of  all  these  regions
             inadmissible concentrations. It was found that the soils of the Kharabalinsky region have the
             lowest  levels  of  lead  concentration  (0.9  mg/kg),  while  the  indicators  of  manganese  (96.0
             mg/kg), copper (6.7 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.28 mg/kg) are the highest in comparison with
             other tested areas. But, the concentration of these metals in the roots of the plant is one of the
             lowest – 2.816 mg/kg; 1.461 mg/kg; 0.078 mg/kg, respectively.
                  It  has  been  established  that  the  best  growing  conditions  have  developed  in  the
             Kharabalinsky district (Kharabali town), where the lowest indicators of chloride (0.105 %) and
             sulfate  salinization  (0.02  %);  the  optimal  level  of  acidity  (pH  6.62),  the  content  of  organic
             substances (4.4 ±0.67 %) and metals.
            Keywords: Glycyrrhiza glabra, glycyrrhizic acid, Astrakhan region.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |111
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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