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5 International Scientific Online Conference   DOI:


                                         Andrii Potrokhov, Olga Ovcharenko
                               Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, Kyiv, Ukraine;
                  Petunia hybrida Vilm. is gradually becoming a new model for research in virology and
             genetics. Petunia plants with ZRNase II gene encoding endoribonuclease were obtained earlier.
             Transgenic  plants  were  characterized  by  increased  resistance  to  the  Tobacco  mosaic  virus
             (TMV). This study aimed to evaluate the degree of stress reactions in transgenic petunia plants
             with the  ZRNase  II  gene  after their infection with TMV. Lipid peroxidation  and  antioxidant
             activity were used as indicators of stress reactions.
                  Independent  transgenic  Petunia  hybrida  lines  were  obtained  based  on  two  separate
            commercial clones. Lines TM1.1 and TM1.2 are derivatives M1 clone, while lines TP5.1, TP5.2,
            and TP5.3 belong to P5. Plants were transformed previously with a genetic vector carrying the
            heterologous ZRNaseII gene from Zinnia elegance. The plants with confirmed transgenic nature
            were propagated in vitro and used for further ex vitro investigations. The experimental plants
            were grown in neutral peat substrate TS1 (Klasman, Latvia) at a temperature of +24 °C and 16-
            hour  light.  The  transgenic  and  control  plants  were  infected  with  virus  (TMV)  containing
            material  by  mechanical  inoculation  of  leaf  blades.  Lipid  peroxidation  was  evaluated  by
            measuring diene conjugates. Plant material (leaves) was triturated in 0.1 M phosphate buffer
            (pH 7.4), and the pellet was resuspended. A mixture of heptane with isopropyl alcohol 1:1 was
            added. The resulting mixture was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4000 g and 1/10 volume of
            distilled water was added, the solution was stirred, 1 ml of heptane phase was taken, 5 ml of
            ethyl alcohol was added. The optical density was measured at 233 nm. To determine malonic
            dialdehyde,  the  resulting  homogenate  was  precipitated  with  5  %  trichloroacetic  acid  and
            centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4000 g. The supernatant was transferred to test tubes and 0.8 %
            thiobarbituric  acid  was  added  and  heated.  The  optical  density  was  measured  on  a
            spectrophotometer at 532 nm. To determine the total antioxidant activity, 0.2 ml of 10 mM 2-
            deoxyribose solution, 0.2 ml of 0.1 mM Fe2 + / EDTA solution and 0.2 ml of 30 % H2O2 were
            added  to  the  homogenate.  The  resulting  solution  was  adjusted  with  phosphate  buffer  to  a
            volume of 2 ml. The mixture was incubated for 4 hours. at + 37  C. After incubation, 1 ml of 2.8
            % trichloroacetic acid solution and 1 ml of 1 % thiobarbituric acid solution in 50 mm NaOH
            solution  were  added.  The  mixture  was  heated  for  10  minutes  at  100  °C.  Optical  density
            measurements were performed at a wavelength of 532 nm.
                  In the transgenic lines obtained based on M1 clone, the level of diene conjugates (DC)
            didn’t overrun the control, while in the line TM1.2 it was even lower than control. It was found
            that the content of DC in the transgenic lines obtained from P5 petunia clone exceeded that in
            the control. There was no significant difference in the content of MD in transgenic and control
            lines of M1 petunia clone. While in transgenic plants of P5 petunia clone the amount of MD was
            significantly higher than that in control. After infection with TMV, it was shown that antioxidant
            activity in the transgenic M1 lines was at the same level as control or even exceeded it in the
            case of TM1.2 line. In all infected transgenic plants of the P5 petunia clone, it was observed a
            significant increase of AOA compared to control. The largest difference with control was in lines
            TP5.2, TP5.3 and exceeded up to 50–53 %. Moreover, previously the line TP5.3 was determined
            as the most resistant to viral damage.
                  The development of stress reactions in infected transgenic petunia plants with the ZRNase
            II gene was studied. As a result, it was found that transgenic lines TP5.2, TP5.3, both with TM1.2
            line were much more resistant to the biotic stress caused by TMV infection than control wild-
            type lines.

             Keywords: Petunia hybrida, ZRNase II gene, Tobacco mosaic virus, antioxidant activity.

             5 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity for Improving the Nutrition, Health, Quality of Life and  |109
                                               Spiritual Human Development
                                                                                                          November 3  2021
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